Rutherglen Reformer

Reboot all too familiar


Tomb Raider (12) ●●● ●●

Though attempting to reboot a movie take on the hit video game series, Roar Uthaug’s movie feels like more of the same.

It’s ever so slightly more grounded and realistic, and Alicia Vikander is a terrific Lara Croft.

Sadly the plot is generic and predictabl­e, while Walton Goggins’ baddie is strictly one-note.

Gringo (15) ●● ●●●

Other than David Oyelowo proving a dab hand at comedy, this ill-advised misfire is a bizarre mess.

It’s hugely frustratin­g to see such a talented cast, with Oyelowo joined by Joel Edgerton and Charlize Theron, saddled with cardboard cutout characters. And confusion reigns in a muddled story.

Wonder Wheel (12) ●●● ●●

While not vintage Woody Allen, Wonder Wheel still rates as one of his better post-2000 flicks.

Helping it stand out from his inferior efforts is how gorgeous the film looks; the 1950s time period jumps out of the screen, often bathed in sunlight.

We’re also treated to another strong turn from Kate Winslet and Justin Timberlake supplies small doses of charm.

But James Belushi can’t rescue his detestable carousel operator and given the real-life controvers­y surroundin­g Allen’s past, there’s no escaping the discomfort you feel watching the way he treats his female characters here.

Wonder Wheel is worth giving a whirl but you won’t want to get back on for a second ride.

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