Rutherglen Reformer

Man attacked by own dog ends up in the dock

Owner charged after antagonisi­ng pet that now faces being put down


A Cambuslang man who was viciously attacked by his own dog ended up in court last week.

Allan Forsyth, 30 was pounced upon by Bronson, his Johnson American Bulldog in April, and suffered multiple bites to his body and calf.

He was charged under the Dangerous Dogs Act of being the owner of the dog which attacked him to his severe injury at his former home in Rutherglen.

Forsyth admitted the charge at Glasgow Sheriff Court last Thursday, which could now result in Bronson being put down.

Sheriff Alan Findlay has ordered a report on Bronson by an animal expert to see if the animal is a danger to the public.

The court heard Bronson mauled Forsyth after he allegedly annoyed the beast in the early hours of the morning.

The court heard police were contacted at 2.45am by Forysth’s partner.

When they arrived they found four dogs outside the house and Forsyth on the couch with “significan­t” leg and arm injuries.

Prosecutor Louise McNeill said: “Officers were told by Forsyth’s partner that he had been drinking and was antagonisi­ng the dog.

“She said that Bronson lashed out and bit him several times repeatedly on the body.”

The court heard that one of the other dogs saved Forsyth from more serious injury by attacking Bronson.

Ms McNeill added: “One of the female dogs began to attack Bronson which caused him to lose his grip.”

All four dogs were taken to police kennels by the officers where they have remained since the incident.

The Dangerous Dogs Act was introduced in the UK in 1991 to prohibit people from having types of dogs bred for fighting, and to ensure that dogs are kept under proper control in order to protect the public.

It is open to the sheriff to order to have Bronson destroyed over the attack.

However, Sheriff Findlay replied: “It seems a bit unfair on Bronson if he has been harassed.”

He deferred sentence on Forsyth for background reports, as well as a report on the animal.

The sheriff will also determine whether Forsyth, now living in Cambuslang, should be banned from owning animals. He was bailed in the meantime.

Officers were told by Forsyth’s partner he had been drinking and was antagonisi­ng the dog. She said Bronson lashed out and bit him Prosecutor Louise McNeill

 ??  ?? Dangerous dog An American Bulldog, similar to the one which attacked its Cambuslang owner earlier this year
Dangerous dog An American Bulldog, similar to the one which attacked its Cambuslang owner earlier this year

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