
Owner: Martin Johnson


Hometown: Houghton Regis, now based in the New Forest. Scooter club: Solo. Scooter name: The Genesis RacerDNCC Year originally built: 1988. Paint (artist): JGS Customisin­g Aylesbury. Engine: Had lots of different set ups, currently a very poorly TS1 230... Chrome: Bits and pieces. Are you the original owner or when did you become the owner? Built by a lad from Aylesbury, I got hold of it in around 2005. When you got the scooter what condition was it in:

Complete but not on the road. What have you had done to it since owning it or what do

you plan to do: A few different engine set ups, different brake and fork set ups, different seats, just general odds and sods within the confines of the original body and paint. Plan to keep using it without restoring, and keep attending various piss ups (scooter rallies), and using it as an excuse to meet up with my mates.

Do you still do rallies: Yes, as many as possible. Funny story: So many good times, one that springs to mind was at Scarboroug­h in the late 80s. Myself and a couple of mates had just managed to get some take-outs from the pub when it closed at 11pm. Anyhow I went outside to wait for them with our stash of booze, somehow they got side-tracked and ended up chatting up some local birds! Bored, I started drinking what we had and after waiting ages (probably 10 minutes max) decided to make my own way back to the campsite. Thanks to a combinatio­n of a day on the beer, a bad sense of direction and the remainder of the take-out I ended up getting lost, including a stumble round the local graveyard and didn’t get back to the tents until the dawn chorus. Where I found my mates had been back for ages and had been asleep for hours! Thanks for the night-cap boys! Favourite event ever: All of them. Favourite custom scooter ever: Anything ridden. My mate Mark Reeves’ The Torch is a prime example. Favourite dealer: In the past AF Rayspeed and MB, these days whoever offers the best deal! Anything else you’d like to add or think is relevant:

Scooter is starting to get a bit tatty now after 10 plus years of using it as a rally hack. I fully expect it to get tattier over the next few years :-)

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