


Name: Jane Adams Scooter club & town: Northaller­ton. How and when did you first become interested in scooters: I first became interested in scooters back in the 80s, when my cousin had one. What was your first scooter: A Lambretta SX150 I only had it for two weeks and then I got a GP150 brand new from Reghams in York. What is your favourite scooter model: It has to be the Lambretta GP. What is your favourite style of custom scooter: I don’t have any favourites I like most styles but they do need to be done well. First rally or event / how did you get there / any stories: My first rally was Colwyn Bay October 1981. I went with some lads from my town including my cousin. Well, they had too much to drink, they ended up fighting and so some of them went home on Saturday afternoon and we didn’t get there until 10am! I stayed and ended up coming home on the Sunday with some lads from Leeds Royals. God knows how I got home but I made it! Favourite and worst rally or event: Don’t really have any particular favourite rallies, I enjoyed them all back in the 80s though the worst one was Southport in 1983. It poured down all weekend and some naughty person pinched my seat! I had to use my sleeping bag to sit on! Funniest experience with a scooter: Not really funny, but I do laugh about it. Back in 1983 it took my friend and I two bloody days to get to the Isle of Wight! What’s the furthest you’ve ever ridden on a scooter: Isle of Wight or Weymouth in 1983, not sure which was the furthest but it was a long way! What is your happiest scooter memories: I have so many memories from the 80s. But it would have to be the day I picked up my new Lambretta GP150. I was over the moon; and the day I passed my test four weeks after I’d bought it; £10 well spent! What’s your favourite Scootering magazine features: No favourites I actually like everything in the magazine. If you had to recommend one scooter part or item of riding kit what would it be: A good quality helmet.

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