

- John Mac

CBS are a group of mainly British lads who meet regularly in San Miguel, central southern Spain, based around Torrevieja. Twice-weekly outings often joining the Spanish lads, our scoots are a blend of new and old with plenty of banter. Our Mojacar CBS tour veterans Pete and John were joined by last year’s models Malc and Dave N. Having heard of all the previous fun involved, eight newbies embarked this year: Barry, Fred, Steve T, Steve S, Keith, Chris, Dave S, and new CBS rookie Nigel.

Our first night in Mojacar was spent recovering from the highly eventful journey, which took over seven hours (should’ve been four) due to unforeseen circumstan­ces, but amid post-mortems of the events CBS recovered well with liquid and food sustenance. After huge breakfasts next morning, a local ride was enjoyed along the coast before impatientl­y winding up exploring the Old Town. Here the streets are steep, although prices weren’t bad compared to our part of Spain and the tourist angle was well-covered. The mood rapidly became relaxed as CBS and Mojacar Old Town soon became friends.

Day two was an amazing biggie. Our leader ‘Peco’ Pete revealed a hithertohi­dden Wild West interest and led the boys on a punishing ride inland to ‘Fort Worth’, arriving at high noon. This turned out to be a Spaghetti Western cowboy town built in the middle of nowhere. From the main road the possee descended bumpily down a dusty old river bed on our trusty two-wheeled steeds before climbing sharply up a hill to the main entrance. A quick haggle at the gate and the CBS Vesperados rode into town. Dismountin­g, the Dirty Dozen headed for the noisy packed saloon from where screams and gunfire could be heard. Here wild women were dancing on the bar, and violent card games and gunfights between four Iberian cowboys were the order of the day. These eventually ended dramatical­ly in invisible bloodshed, and the visiting cowboys proceeded to explore all the many buildings around on location, all tailor-made for the purpose.

After about three hours it was time to saddle up and head back to Boot Camp. Back down the slope in line we went, before strangely encounteri­ng a line of stationary cars all heading the same way – why? We soon found out: that dry little river bed we came in on had turned into a muddy brown torrent, twenty feet at least across – it looked at least a foot deep, cutting us off nicely from returning up to the main road. The fast brown flow seemed to be subsiding slowly when a French campervan suddenly broke ranks, and amid cheering slowly safely crossed the great divide.

A few cars then followed. But what will we do? Cometh the hour, cometh the man. Dave ‘Super-Spanner’ Solan was heard to mutter ’Fook this!’ and revved up his 1965 Vespa 150 Sprint. To everyone’s amazement straight through went Cool Hand Luke, even casually lifting his feet high to avoid getting them wet. Huge cheers from everyone including the remaining car owners, deep respect. Dave having thrown down the gauntlet, we all then proceeded to cross the Brown Sea one by one to great applause, and set off for home, armed with much to drink over and relish that evening.

The final day was spent making new friends as per our scootering ethos. We met up with the The Mojacar Soul and Scooter Group and befriended Andy, Michelle, Tony, Jackie, and Graham, a friendly crowd who proceeded to take us on a great run inland. ‘MSS’ then showed us how you really arrive in Mojacar town on two wheels... you just by-pass those irritating metal railings in true scoot-style, then wind straight up to the central square and park, no problems. You smile at everyone, and even shake hands with the local policeman. A great evening was enjoyed, thnaks to all from Mojacar Soul and Scooter group.

So it was with heavy hearts, full tanks and bellies CBS set off back to whence we had come. This time the ride was less eventful, lovely scenery as we hugged the coast before joining the quietest motorway in the world back to Cartagena. Another great CBS tour. Now, about next year...

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