Scottish Daily Mail

Russians cut ties with the Kirk over gay clergy

- By Jim McBeth

RUSSIAN Orthodox leaders have broken off diplomatic relations with the Church of Scotland over the Kirk’s support for same-sex unions.

It follows the Kirk General Assembly’s recent historic vote to permit those in same-sex civil partnershi­ps to be eligible for ordination as ministers.

Officially, Church of Scotland leaders were said to be ‘saddened’ by the end of their relationsh­ip with one of the world’s biggest religious groups.

But privately they were relieved to sever ties with a church that has supported the persecutio­n and repression of Russia’s homosexual community by President Vladimir Putin and his government.

The Russian Patriarcha­te in Moscow announced yesterday that ‘formal contact’ with the Kirk would cease, following the decision by the General Assembly, which it had been feared could also lead to breakaway factions in the church at home.

Kirk leaders were worried there would be a backlash to the same-sex decision. But they were delighted yesterday that the danger of schism had passed following a meeting of the Presbytery of the Isle of Lewis, which is known for its hardline stance on the matter.

For while the presbytery could not support the General Assembly decision, it decided, after a meeting of 300 people in St Columba’s Church, Stornoway, to remain within the Kirk.

The Kirk is one of a number of churches snubbed by the Russians over same-sex unions and gay clergy. They have cut ties with the United Protestant Churches of France, the US Episcopal Church, and Sweden’s Lutheran Church.

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