Scottish Daily Mail


As years of smoking, drinking and sunbathing take their toll on Kate Moss, experts reveal why it’s . . .


discolour and go dry and brittle and become frizzy.’


Kate has always been famed for her perfect, rose - bud shaped mouth. But these latest pictures seem to show her lips look thinner and less defined.

experts say years of pursing her lips when she smoked and her love of sunbathing — which breaks down the collagen that gives them their plumpness — are the main reason Kate’s pout is no longer as perfect as it once was. Dr Sarah tonks says: ‘You produce less collagen as you age, and collagen is what supports the body’s soft tissues. too much sun exposure can also cause collagen to break down.

‘But even wearing lip balm or lipstick with sunscreen isn’t always enough to combat the ageing issue of thinning lips.

‘as the lips decrease in volume, this allows the skin around the edge to fold more. You no longer have a such a strong border, which is why some older women f i nd their lipstick bleeds.’


With more almost 20 years between them, it’s not surprising that Cara looks fresh-faced, compared with Kate, says oral and facial expert Dr Kishan Raichura.

‘Cara’s skin is hydrated and clear; free from wrinkles and crow’s feet. When we see untouched images of the pair, it’s clear to see the generation gap between them facially.

Smoking will also show up in her skin texture at this age, he adds.

‘Smoking cigarettes starves the microcircu­lation of the skin and robs the epidermis to some extent of oxygen rich blood. this usually leads to a greyer complexion that is often noticeable in smokers.

‘however, Kate will have access to some of the most advanced skincare treatments i n the world. Regardless, there is little doubt her flawless face would be even more radiant if she was a non-smoker.’

Dr Maria Gonzalez, of the Cardiff ’s Specialist Skin Clinic, says much of the ageing on Kate’s face is likely to be due to sun exposure.

‘a lot of the damage that we see as people age, e s peciall y with somebody like Kate Moss, who leads a glamorous life and travels a lot, is probably more than 50 per cent due to sun exposure. it doesn’t matter if you use Factor 50, it’s not going to protect you from the sun.’

the other dramatic effect of ageing is damage to collagen in the skin.

‘in a young person the collagen is very uniform and linear. in an older person it becomes very broken up and disorganis­ed.

‘and that has the impression of making your face look a bit rough with wrinkles. there’s less of it, less elasticity, less collagen and the skin actually thins which is why you get lines such as crow’s feet which she’s showing very clearly.

‘When you abuse your skin with alcohol, cigarettes, late nights and too much sun, no amount of good genes and expensive products can stop the damage.

‘Kate’s skin is dehydrated and puffy and ageing too fast and even though she is heavily made up, it’s obvious her skin no longer has that dewy youthful sheen that Cara’s skin displays.’

however, for therapist Marisa Peer, Kate is still beautiful, partly due to her confidence. ‘But then, her party lifestyle is part of who she is and if she has chosen hedonism over preserving her looks and that makes her happy, then it’s the right thing for her.’

 ?? Pictures: EPA / REX ?? Time waits for no model: Cara and Kate this week and, inset, fresh-faced Kate in 1993
Pictures: EPA / REX Time waits for no model: Cara and Kate this week and, inset, fresh-faced Kate in 1993

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