Scottish Daily Mail

Shadow Chancellor wants ‘direct action’ against Tory MPs

- By Daniel Martin Chief Political Correspond­ent

SHADOW Chancellor John McDonnell last night faced fresh questions over his active support f or vi olence and intimidati­on.

It came after it emerged that he had said Tory MPs should not be allowed to ‘show their face anywhere’ without being subjected to ‘direct action’.

In a string of incendiary speeches since 2010, Mr McDonnell has described Conservati­ves as ‘social criminals’, and threatened to ‘confront’ anyone deemed to be opponents of the working class by occupying their homes and offices.

The hard-Left politician also believes the coalition government was an ‘elected dictatorsh­ip’ and once urged activists to ‘target’ journalist­s who do not cover the ‘right’ stories.

As recently as last year, he backed illegal action to bring down elected government­s, saying: ‘We used to call it insurrecti­on, but we’re polite now and we call it direct action.’

Leader of the House Chris Grayling said Mr McDonnell should either explain his support for insurrecti­on or be sacked.

The Shadow Chancellor’s class-war rants are just the latest to emerge from members of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s top team.

Andrew Fisher, Mr Corbyn’s new political adviser, boasted on a website how he had ‘burst through’ police lines as part of a 200- strong group taking part in a student tuition-fee riot in Westminste­r in 2010. He also ‘hurled abuse’ at the police.

Speaking about the riot, Mr Fisher said: ‘Hundreds of people were enjoying the role reversal of the police being penned in and scared. I felt elated.’

And John Ross, an economic adviser of the new leader, once said: ‘The ruling class must know they will be killed if they do not allow a takeover by the workers. If we aren’t armed there will be a bloodbath.’

Further examples of Mr McDonnell’s incendiary comments over the past five years emerged yesterday.

In 2011, at a ‘Right to Protest’ rally, Mr McDonnell praised rioters who had ‘kicked the ****’ out of the Conservati­ve Party’s headquarte­rs at Millbank Tower in Westminste­r.

He defended Ed Woollard, a student jailed for 32 months for throwing a fire extinguish­er at police from the building’s seventh-floor roof.

Mr McDonnell said: ‘That kid didn’t deserve 36 months. Actually, he’s not the criminal. The real criminals are the ones that are cutting the education services and increasing the fees… We’ve got to encourage direct action in any form it can possibly take.’

At a ‘Coalition of Resistance Delegates’ conference in September 2011, Mr McDonnell said: ‘Any institutio­n or any individual that attacks our class, we will come for you with direct action.

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