Scottish Daily Mail

Brave Jess, 85, f ights off park attack ‘coward’

Police appeal after afternoon assault

- By Gavin Madeley

POLICE have launched a manhunt to find a ‘ coward’ who attacked an 85-year- old woman and her daughter i n broad daylight.

Jess McGarrity was punched in the face by the stranger as she and her 60-year-old daughter Linda Davidson walked through a Glasgow park to an art exhibition.

Despite suffering a black eye, Mrs McGarrity fought off her attacker with her handbag when he wrestled her daughter to the ground. He ran off when a passer-by intervened.

Both women were taken to Glasgow Royal Infirmary, where they were treated for their injuries.

The pair had travelled from their homes in Fife and were walking through Glasgow Green to view a Billy Connolly art exhibition at the People’s Palace near the city centre when the attack happened around 2.30pm on Friday.

Miss Davidson, of Kirkcaldy, said the family had decided to post the pictures of her mother’s injuries in the hope of catching whoever was behind the assault.

She added: ‘I can’t look at the picture of my mum too much because it’s terrible. We’d been having a great day out, we’d just been for lunch then all of sudden there were stones being thrown at us and this young man came right up and swung for my mum.

‘We tried to ignore him and walk away but he came running over and punched mum straight in the face. He was so aggressive and it was totally unprovoked.’

Miss Davidson said she struggled with the man on the ground before a coach driver nearby saw what was happening and shouted at the man, who ran off.

She added: ‘We were stunned – it’s the last thing you expect in the middle of t he day. We were extremely shaken up.

‘Apparently the coach driver has footage of what happened. We’re desperate for him to get in touch with the police.

‘If I saw the man now I’d ask, “Why? Where was the challenge?”’

Mrs McGarrity, of Burntislan­d, said: ‘ We heard shouting and swearing then he came flying over and punched me.

‘My sight went temporaril­y then all I felt was sharp pain. When my vision came back, I saw he was struggling with Linda on the ground.

‘I didn’t know what to do so I hit him with my handbag. Linda was so brave and put herself in harm’s way for me – it could have been much worse.

‘ I couldn’t believe what was happening and I won’t forget it, that’s for sure.’

Miss Davidson said her mother has vowed not to let their ordeal affect her confidence.

Police described the suspect as around 20 years old, 5ft 8in, of medium build, wearing dark clothing and carrying a dark rucksack. He spoke with an English accent.

Officers say he ran off along Monteith Row towards the city’s London Road following the assault and have appealed for the coach driver who witnessed the attack to come forward.

Detective Constable Paul Fraser said: ‘This was a completely unprovoked and cowardly attack on an elderly woman and her daughter who had come to Glasgow to enjoy a day out.

‘Both victims have been left very distressed by the ordeal. Glasgow Green would been busy around the time of the incident and I would appeal to anyone who saw what happened to get in touch.

‘In particular, we’d like to speak to the driver of a coach who witnessed the attack and went to their assistance.

‘We would urge him to come forward as soon as possible.’

 ??  ?? Fought back: Bruised Jess McGarrity
Fought back: Bruised Jess McGarrity
 ??  ?? Shaken: Linda Davidson
Shaken: Linda Davidson

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