Scottish Daily Mail



NATURAL hormones are the solution — indeed, in my personal and profession­al experience, I have found no convention­al or alternativ­e therapies that can restore your hormone balance l i ke natural hormones can.

Natural hormones, which have actually been available to doctors for the past 70 years, are derived from plants. Because their chemical structure is identical to our own hormones (which is why they are called ‘bio-identical’), their action i s gentle and effective, and, I believe, they provide more protection from the dangers of HRT.

Bio-identical oestrogen is made from soy and yam oils. Bio-identical progestero­ne (sometimes called micronised progestero­ne), is derived from yams.

These natural hormones are formulated by pharmaceut­ical IN 2002, a very large and influentia­l U.S. government-led study found that convention­al HRT could i ncrease the risks of heart disease, stroke, blood clots and breast cancer.

Perhaps not surprising­ly, this led to the tens of millions of women around the world immediatel­y stopping their convention­al HRT.

Concerns were raised again last year when a major review in the Lancet of more than 50 studies linked certain types of HRT to a raised risk of ovarian cancer, compared with women who weren’t on the therapy.

Hormones are certainly very powerful molecules, but all these studies are based on the use of synthetic hormones in women who had already been through

t he menopause more than ten years before, and many experts in women’s health — on both sides of the Atlantic — are convinced the risks have been overplayed.

Furthermor­e, these studies suggest that HRT may increase the risk of breast cancer, blood clot or stroke, but only by one extra case in 1,000 women, and the latest guidelines from the British Menopause Society (a specialist society of the Royal College of GPs) state the benefits of HRT outweigh the risks.

But before we jump to the conclusion that hormones cause cancer, let us remember that the pregnant woman with her very high levels of hormones such as oestrogen does not often get cancer. In fact, her hormones can provide protection from illness. Pregnant women don’t just glow — they are supercharg­ed with immune protection.

The thousands of medical profession­als who, like me, now work solely with bio-identical hormones, are convinced that these natural formulatio­ns are completely safe. And so are their patients.

But balance is key. It is high levels of unopposed oestrogen — whether this is oestrogen from exposure to chemicals, radiation, synthetic HRT or even supplement­s, such as isoflavone­s derived from soy, taken without someone knowledgea­ble supervisin­g — that increase a woman’s chances of developing breast cancer.

By ‘unopposed’, I mean with no balancing progestero­ne; I think using balanced regimens of oestrogen and progestero­ne are safer.

I have been taking bio-identical hormones for 19 years, and have treated thousands of patients with them. And, to the best of my k nowledge, none, not one, has gone on to develop any form of cancer while under my care.

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