Scottish Daily Mail

Hillary ‘left Bill bleeding after fights in White House’

- Mail Foreign Service

HE might have been the most powerful man in the world, but Bill Clinton was terrified of his ‘violent and volatile’ wife, a book claims.

Hillary Clinton is accused of regularly beating her husband, the former US president, leaving him bruised and bleeding after their arguments in the White House.

Her temper has previously been the subject of books, but the latest account goes into more detail about the alleged domestic violence.

The newly elected President was subjected to verbal abuse on his inaugurati­on day in 1993, according to author Roger Stone.

He writes that Secret Service agents assigned to protect the president were shocked to hear Mrs Clinton ‘shrieking profanitie­s’ at her husband moments before he was due to take the oath of

‘Scratched and clawed him’

office. Mr Stone writes: ‘Hillary has beaten Bill, hit him with hard objects, scratched and clawed him, and made him bleed.’

Stone details the marital discord in his book, The Clintons’ War on Women, which he wrote with historian Robert Morrow.

In the book, which will be published later this month, Stone repeats stories about Mrs Clinton confrontin­g her husband over his affair with Monica Lewinsky.

Stone, who worked as an adviser for Republican presidenti­al hopeful Donald Trump until recently, says Mrs Clinton slapped her husband so hard across the face that the red mark was visible to Secret Service agents when he left the room.

Mrs Clinton, 67, is considered favourite to be the Democratic Party’s 2016 presidenti­al candidate. She has not responded to any of the book’s allegation­s.

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