Scottish Daily Mail



Dear Jonathan, I need to have a tooth pulled this week. Is that an OK thing to do during a Mercury retrograde? Sheila Hello Jonathan, You shared a letter from a reader who thinks the discussion about free will is inane. Might it be better to reply: ‘Reality is not under your control. How you feel about reality is not under your control. What you do about it, is’? Ken Jonathan, Pluto has been described as having dragon scales on the eastern edge of the planet. Is that significan­t? YS Dear Sheila, Ken and YS: Yes, yes, yes!


Mar 21 — Apr 20

IF WE are to believe the experts, folk born under your sign are fearless. In my own experience, true fearlessne­ss is thankfully rare across the human race. Indeed, little else creates as much for the world to feel fearful of, as a fearless person! This week, you’ve got a concern that could be considered a fear. Fear is never a great motivator. It can lead to unwise choices. But in terms of the positive decision that this eventually guides you to, that may yet turn out to be a highly constructi­ve thing. Your in-depth, October forecast could be one of the most rewarding phone calls you ever make. Dial 0906 751 5601.


Apr 21 — May 21

‘YOU can’t do this because of that, and you can’t do that because of this.’ I recognise that this is not the most inspiring statement to start your week, but I am not saying it to depress you. I am just hoping that it will strengthen your resilience and help you keep frustratio­n at bay if I alert you to a syndrome you are due to encounter. Life, the further you get into the week ahead, is likely to seem ever more like a journey through an obstacle course. Yet if you are persistent, you will find solutions that actually do work. I’ve taken a good look at your forecast for October and I have great things to tell you. For inspiratio­n call 0906 751 5602.


May 22 — June 22

AN INTERESTIN­G side-effect of Mercury’s retrograde phase, is that it has been placing your ruler in a harmonious alignment to Saturn and keeping it there for much longer than cosmic conditions might usually allow. Even when Mercury changes direction this week, the first effect will be to create yet another repeat of that same alignment. Your outlook now is all about the applicatio­n of discipline and dedication to a situation that must eventually reward you for your effort. Stick with what you have started. Even if you don’t usually call, you should hear the excellent news in your NEW October prediction. Call 0906 751 5603.


June 23 — July 23

RECENT events have tested your patience, challenged your faith, played on your nerves and put you on the defensive. Coming events will do much to restore lost equilibriu­m and bring the rosy glow of relaxed confidence back to your cheeks. Has a problem been real? Or has it been artificial, a manifestat­ion of an unnecessar­y anxiety exacerbate­d by a misinterpr­etation of a message? Who knows? Who cares? The issue right now, is neither pressing nor problemati­c. Let it go, move on and smile this week. Your in-depth, October forecast could be one of the most rewarding phone calls you ever make. Dial 0906 751 5604.


July 24 — Aug 23

THE world is full of people who like to make definitive statements. They speak in a tone that brooks no argument. They express an air of authority which is apparently unimpeacha­ble. How unwise would we have to be to question their judgment or doubt the extent of their influence? Yet not all we are told can be trusted. This week, it seems, you must reach your own conclusion about a controvers­ial matter. Assess all informatio­n yourself and then decide the best way to deal with it. I’ve taken a good look at your forecast for October and I have great things to tell you. For inspiratio­n call 0906 751 5605.


Aug 24 — Sep 23

SO MUCH depends on our expectatio­n, our point of view and our frame of mind. No wonder we find it hard to stand back and see our life objectivel­y. To achieve such a feat of disassocia­tion, we would probably have to be living saints. If we were, we wouldn’t think of ourselves as such because, well, saints don’t do that, do they? From which we can reasonably deduce that if you were a living saint, you wouldn’t know it. So how can you be sure that you aren’t one? This week, you may give many of us cause to wonder. Even if you don’t usually call, you should hear the excellent news in your NEW October prediction. Call 0906 751 5606.


Sep 24 — Oct 23

THANK you for coming to read your zodiac forecast. Due to data protection, I cannot supply you with your interpreta­tion until we first confirm your identity. Please enter your PIN number in this space . . . . . . I’m sorry, that doesn’t match our records. Please try again ... Well, OK then, I’m only kidding. But isn’t it infuriatin­g how the modern world expects us all to have an impossible number of passwords and punishes us if we forget them? This week, if you are patient, you will yet get a chance to rectify an inane injustice. Your in-depth, October forecast could be one of the most rewarding phone calls you ever make. Dial 0906 751 5607.


Oct 24 — Nov 22

FRIENDS. Enemies. Different people, in different categories. That is how we wish it were. Clear distinctio­ns make it so much easier for us to cope with life’s challenges. Even if we don’t like a situation, we can decide who we feel is to blame for our frustratio­n. But, sometimes, if we are a little too quick to jump to the wrong conclusion, we can create so much counterpro­ductive confusion. Be sure, this week, of what you are not sure of. While Mars opposes Neptune, certainty is your enemy, doubt is your friend. I’ve taken a good look at your forecast for October and I have great things to tell you. For inspiratio­n call 0906 751 5608.


Nov 23 — Dec 21

MANY find, once they set out to answer a question, that there comes a point where the task is complete. They can say: ‘I did my research, reached my decision and now the rest is history.’ Even Sagittaria­ns can make such statements with sincerity. But often, for you, the ground shifts. What was once a done deal becomes an open issue again. This week you may find the conclusion you reached some while back proves irrelevant in the light of a developmen­t. Even if you don’t usually call, you should hear the excellent news in your NEW October prediction. Call 0906 751 5609.


Dec 22 — Jan 20

OUR preference­s become our priorities and our priorities become our passions. That’s all fine, as long as we are making choices that suit our needs. Yet there are times when we all find ourselves wanting things that aren’t necessaril­y good for us. Even clever, cautious Capricorns experience occasional twinges of attraction towards unwise or unhealthy options. This week’s most pressing question is not, ‘can you get what you are after?’ The answer to that is, ‘probably you can!’ But you should ask, ‘is it what I need?’

Your in-depth, October forecast could be one of the most rewarding phone calls you ever make. Dial 0906 751 5610.


Jan 21 — Feb 19

PEOPLE are often strangely reluctant to entertain ideas that other people may disapprove of or fail to understand. While Aquarians suffer less from this than most, you still have a tendency to hold yourself back when perhaps you ought to permit yourself more freedom. Current cosmic conditions suggest you may, this week, be nurturing an innovative plan. Will it be well received? Does it really matter if it isn’t? It may be high time you placed more faith in the power of your own creativity. I’ve taken a good look at your forecast for October and I have great things to tell you. For inspiratio­n call 0906 751 5611.


Feb 20 — Mar 20

PISCEANS are supposed to be mellow, gentle and sensitive. Aren’t they? I’m sure I’ve read that somewhere. Perhaps you, too, have come across descriptio­ns of your sign that seem to be strangely at odds with reality as you perceive it. What’s all this stuff, for example, about you for ever seeing the world from two perspectiv­es at once? Or of living in an airy-fairy dream? That is hardly what you are like at any time and especially not now, while Mars is opposing your ruler. This week, you are a force to be reckoned with. Even if you don’t usually call, you should hear the excellent news in your NEW October prediction. Call 0906 751 5612.

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