Scottish Daily Mail

How a simple cuppa could help you slim

Devotees swear it helps them shed pounds. And they may just be right

- by Polly Dunbar

WHEN Joanne Gillingham wants to shed a few pounds, she has a solution which is quick, easy and, she believes, f ai l s af e. Instead of embarking on a drastic diet or signing up for exercise classes, she simply boils the kettle and has a cup of tea once a day.

She drinks a cup every morning for a week, and the following week, she switches to a cup every evening. After 28 days of this far-from-arduous regimen, she says she is often 8lb lighter, with a flatter stomach and increased energy levels.

If it sounds too good to be true, Joanne is far from alone in proclaimin­g the nearmiracu­lous effects of a daily cuppa. She is one of thousands of devotees who believe in the slimming properties of tea and swear by it to help them lose weight.

Although their claims appear far-fetched, they could actually be on to something.

The health-boosting effects of green tea, including a reduced risk of diabetes and cancer, are well- documented. Research suggests even an ordinary builder’s brew can slightly accelerate weight-loss, with a recent test finding that volunteers who drank three cups of black tea a day lost an average of 1lb 6oz over six weeks.

For those who want a quicker fix, there is now an industry devoted to teas which have been created specifical­ly to aid the dieting process. Popular brands such as Bootea, Slendertox­tea and Fit & Fast Slimming Tea call themselves ‘teatoxes’.

They claim their teas have detoxing properties to reduce bloating and can speed up weight-loss by boosting the metabolism — although they emphasise that they are to be used in moderation and in conjunctio­n with a healthy diet and exercise.

Joanne, 36, is devoted to Slendertox­tea, a herbal blend which contains green tea, is described as a ‘dietary supplement’ and which, its makers promise, will ‘increase metabolism, suppress your appetite, burn calories and increase energy’. It can be bought online on the company’s website, or Amazon, and costs £32.99 for its 28-day detox pack.

Joanne, who lives in Leeds with her husband John and four young children, believes the tea has helped her shift the weight she gained after her last two pregnancie­s.

SHE SAYS: ‘I discovered Slendertox­tea on Facebook and Instagram, where people were raving about it. I’m so busy rushing around after the children that a strict diet where I’d have to count all my calories wouldn’t work, but this seemed easy so I ordered some. ‘The first time I did the detox was before I was pregnant with Ted. I wanted to lose a dress size and get back to my normal size eight to ten. I didn’t know if it would work, but I thought it was worth a try.’

Every day, she used the morning version of the tea bags to make herself a cup as soon as she woke up, and then used the night-time version before bed. ‘Straight away, I found it made me more regular, and much less bloated,’ she says.

‘After the morning cup I felt energised, as if I’d drunk a normal cup of tea, and it helped me feel full so I wasn’t as tempted to snack. I found the tea acted as a reminder to me to eat healthily throughout the day, too, which was helpful. It was a way of keeping me on the right track.

‘By the end I’d lost around 8lb and felt great. My stomach was far flatter and my digestion seemed much better, too. I don’t know why it worked, but I was impressed.’

Joanne has done the full 28- day detox three times. Now I do a week of morning teas alternated with a week of evening ones.

‘I’m breastfeed­ing at the moment, so I’m not using it, but when I finish I’ll use it again when I need to lose a few pounds before a holiday or the Christmas party season.’

However, health profession­als do not share Joanne’s enthusiasm for these teatoxes. Over-consumptio­n of green tea has been linked to liver damage in the past and experts warn against buying untested brands over the internet. What’s more, consumers are likely to be overestima­ting their impact. Dr Carrie Ruxton, nutritioni­st and memberof the Tea Advisory Panel, says: ‘The factor which has the biggest impact on weight loss is not eating as much. It’s the change in their diet which is probably causing people to lose weight.

‘The teas also have a laxative effect, which is what is giving them a flatter stomach and less bloating. The actual physiologi­cal effect of these products is extremely modest. Many people who are trying to lose weight are vulnerable, so I hope the manufactur­ers aren’t marketing these teas as a quick fix.

‘In the context of a healthy lifestyle, they are fine, but if someone is just going to drink the tea without changing their diet or exercise routine, it won’t have any impact.’

Bootea was recently the subject of controvers­y when it emerged that several of its users complained they had become pregnant while drinking the teas, despite taking the con- traceptive Pill — a result of the laxative effect of the product which can counteract the effect of the Pill.

Regardless, a growing army of fans is flocking to buy the product, including Catherine Warrilow, 36, from Oxford. Catherine, who is married to Tom, a civil servant, and runs a marketing company, has two children, Noah, seven, and Sullivan, two-and-a-half. ‘After having Sullivan, I was 2st heavier than normal, at 9st 7lb, which is a lot for my 5ft 1in height,’ she says. ‘I wanted something to kickstart my weightloss and I saw people talking about Bootea on Facebook.’

Bootea is available online and in Holland & Barrett, and costs £37.99 for a 28-day pack. Like Slendertox­tea, there’s a morning and an evening version, but the evening version should be drunk only on alternate nights because of its powerful laxative properties.

‘I love snacking on chocolate and sweets, but the daytime one seemed to stop me craving them. In that first 28-day period I lost 5lb,’ says Catherine. ‘ Now I weight 8st and I’m a size ten. I feel like I’m back to normal again. Some of my friends tried Bootea and said they didn’t feel any different, but it suited me.

‘I found it easy to stick to because I didn’t have to eat tiny portions of salad — I ate healthily, but normally. I have Grave’s disease, an autoimmune disease which affects the thyroid, and it makes my metabolism go haywire. If I eat better, I feel much better, and Bootea helped me break my bad food habits.’

Jos Hajiyianni is also a Bootea drinker, and is in the middle of a twoweek detox which she hopes will help her feel slim and confident on her holiday to Hawaii.

‘It’s my third time,’ says Jos, 37, an accounting assistant, from Plymouth. ‘I love it because it takes away my bloating — so even if I’m not thinner, it makes me feel as if I am.’

BUT JOS admits her real obsession is for green tea, which she buys in a s many different flavours as she can find. ‘My friends tease me sometimes about how many teas I have — I have a cupboard full of them,’ she says.

‘I always knew green tea was supposed to be healthy because of all the antioxidan­ts in it, but I never liked the taste. Then I read an article which said it was great for accelerati­ng weight loss, so I started drinking different kinds to find one I liked. Now I drink two or three cups a day, mostly with peppermint, which tastes refreshing.’

Scientists are not certain what gives green tea its slimming properties, but it is thought it could be an antioxidan­t called epigalloca­techin gallate, or EGCG. It appears not only to protect the body against cancer, improve brain function and prevent heart disease, but also to improve energy expenditur­e, which means more fat is burned.

However, the amount of EGCG in one cup of green tea is very small. Dr Ruxton says: ‘The impact of green tea is so modest it’s not going to be a solution for people who are very overweight. But studies have shown people who drink it tend to have a lower body mass index, and they also suggest it has other health benefits, so incorporat­ing it into a healthy lifestyle is a good approach.’

Jos is convinced green tea has helped her to lose 2st over the past two years. ‘I’ve gone from a size 14 to a 12. The tea makes me feel like I’m having a treat without reaching for a chocolate bar. I don’t really enjoy drinking water, and having a tea stops me from drinking fruit juices or cordials instead.’

Dr Ruxton believes this is tea’s biggest benefit to those trying to lose weight. ‘If you replace drinks with calories in — such as fruit juice, milky coffees, alcohol or soft drinks — with a cup of tea without sugar, you could save hundreds of calories every day, which would have a significan­t effect. It’s not necessary to buy expensive teas — a cup of ordinary builders’ tea with low fat milk in it would give the same benefits.’

For the advocates of the new teatox teas, her advice is unlikely to make an i mpact. After all, as anybody who’s tried to lose weight can testify, finding something which seems to help is invaluable.

As Joanne says: ‘I’m sure some people will think it’s silly to spend money on slimming tea bags, but if it works, that’s all that matters.’

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