Scottish Daily Mail

Steeled for disaster

Industry let down by one government after another

- By Ruth Sunderland

Adramatic sculpture resembling an upsidedown electricit­y pylon has, since last month, been adorning the London skyline. the 35-metre work of art, named a Bullet From a Shooting Star by avant garde artist alex chinneck and erected on the Greenwich peninsula, was produced with steel made at tata’s Scunthorpe plant.

it is an evocative marriage of art and manufactur­ing – but when you look at many a modern London landmark, from the Shard to the Olympic Park, you are looking at a structure built with British steel.

it is also holding up some of the most famous constructi­on projects in the world, from the Sydney Harbour Bridge that was forged out of teesside steel, to china’s three Gorges dam with hydroelect­ric parts courtesy of Sheffield Forgemaste­rs.

as the defiant teesside steelworke­rs’ motto puts it, ‘We Built the World’. But that proud heritage is doing nothing to help the industry from collapsing under a strong pound, cut-throat chinese competitio­n and crushing indifferen­ce from Westminste­r.

as President Xi Jinping is wheeled around London to be wined and dined, his nation’s vast exports are demolishin­g our steel sector. in the month of September alone, china exported 11m tonnes – almost as much as we sell abroad in an entire year.

‘their sector is supported by their government, they enjoy cheap energy and cheap raw materials, hence they can export at below the market rate,’ says Gareth Stace, director of lobby group UK Steel.

the vast power of the chinese export machine is what the UK’s steel industry – already a shadow of its former self – is up against, with no help and in fact active hindrance from successive government­s.

at its peak in 1973, a quarter of a million people worked in steel.

Before the recent 5,000 actual or threatened job losses, those ranks had shrunk to 30,000 – so the industry is on course to contract to a tenth of its former size over four decades. the current conservati­ve government is rightly coming under fire for this – and many believe the sector’s woes date back to the thatcher era.

But steelworke­rs have also been ill-served by Labour administra­tions as well as by the Libdems in the coalition. Politician­s of all stripes have neglected and denigrated the industry, senior insiders believe – and these are seasoned industrial­ists, not militant union men. in the case of Labour and the Libdems this was because they were seduced by the vogue for greenery and viewed steel as an outmoded smokestack industry, ripe to be taxed.

in the case of the conservati­ves, it was because they misguidedl­y thought extending a helping hand to steel would conflict with free market ideology. as a group, regardless of political allegiance, the metropolit­an elite seems to have struggled to care about the plight of male manufactur­ing workers in unfashiona­ble regions.

the sudden outpouring of sentiment, including by Labour shadow chancellor John mcdonnell, who cited the redcar steelworke­rs as the reason for his change of heart on supporting the Government’s fiscal charter, comes too late for the thousands who have been made redundant.

Britain’s steel industry – most of which is not UK-owned – is fighting an uphill battle against overseas competitor­s. Sterling has appreciate­d strongly in the past two years, making our exports less competitiv­e. along with chinese dumping, this is something the Government can do little to remedy.

But our steelmaker­s are also forced to pay far more in business rates and green energy taxes than EU rivals. Worse, they also suffer from a negative, laissez-faire attitude from politician­s. ‘When i talk to my German counterpar­ts they are aghast when i describe our situation, how the Government relates to us and piles costs on our industry,’ says Gareth Stace, director of lobby group UK Steel. ‘their government views the industry strategica­lly, not in isolation. it is seen as part of a whole, involving suppliers and infrastruc­ture projects. as a consequenc­e, when they looked at renewable energy taxes, they exempted the steel industry from the start.’

Other European government­s also set little store by British politician­s’ purist free market attitude to steel-making. italy, the EU’s second biggest producer after Germany, for example, took the ilva steel plant into state ownership earlier this year following problems over toxic emissions. the plant is a major employer in southern italy.

the wanton destructio­n of the UK steel industry will cause damage way beyond the employees directly in the firing line, as companies in the supply chain are hit and valuable facilities are lost.

these include tata’s dalzell facility in Scotland, which is the only plant in UK capable of rolling and processing the steel used in trident submarine.

its closure could mean building our next generation nuclear subs with imported steel. ‘this is not only a crisis for the metals industry but a crisis that goes to the very heart of the UK’s industrial manufactur­ing,’ says Stephen cooper, head of manufactur­ing at accountanc­y firm KPmG.

‘the negative knock-on effects of this for the UK economy cannot be underestim­ated.’

this week’s job losses should be a wake-up call to politician­s that laissez-faire is not good enough – we need to save our steel.

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