Scottish Daily Mail

Leaders must put our safety ahead of sentiment


believe the risk involved far exceeds the benefits of being seen as the saviour of a few refugees.

William SimpSon, via email.

Aiding the killers

Jeremy Corbyn asked in Parliament for the Government to attack where IS gets its money in lieu of air strikes.

He should be directing the question directly at mr Cameron who is boosting aid to Syria, Somalia, Libya, yemen and Sudan (mail).

Are we sure our overseas aid is not being directed to IS?

This money should be used to protect our nation by increasing police numbers, border police and routing out all the radicals and deporting them.

And why are police not arresting these preachers of ‘Quiz a muslim’ (mail) who are urging muslims to strive for an Islamic state here in the UK?

These rogues should be rounded up and deported.

mike HigginS, Dundee.

Defeating an idea

If the recent terrorist attack in Paris does not strengthen the resolve of the internatio­nal community to extirpate ISIS in the middle east, then nothing will.

The current wave of bombing can only be a softening-up process prior to the introducti­on of an internatio­nal ground force. Without the introducti­on of this developmen­t, ISIS is not going to go away.

If the many-headed hydra of terrorism is to be combatted, there must be a three-pronged strategy.

first of all, military interventi­on on the ground in the middle east has to be the first point of attack. fighting fire with fire in this instance is essential.

Secondly, security and intelligen­ce measures need to be stepped up to counteract the types of terrorist outrages contemplat­ed by the Islamist extremists.

Thirdly, a diplomatic programme must be serious in its intent to deliver a lasting solution.

Last but not least, ISIS describes itself as a state, which we generally take to mean a physical entity.

rather, it is also a state of mind which can only be defeated by re-education and antipovert­y policies.

Unless we address all aspects in this case, we will find ourselves immersed in terrorist acts for years to come to the detriment of the conduct of everyday life as we have known it.

DeniS BRuce, glasgow.

Useless advice

GovernmenT advice on what to do in a terrorist attack is pure common sense — but a waste of time,

Turn your phone off? oK, but how do you call the police with your phone switched off?

Barricade yourself in, as the AK-47’s rounds can go through a brick wall never mind a door...

In the latest Paris siege the french fired 5,000 rounds of ammunition.

British Police officers who are armed usually travel in twos. They have Glock 17 pistols and two magazines each holding 17 rounds. They also have a singleshot rifle with 20 rounds.

exactly how are they meant to match terrorists with automatic weapons and hundreds of rounds of ammunition?

UK police semi-automatic weapons fire .556 rounds — people have been known to carry on fighting after many such rounds hit their bodies.

Police need a .762 round — such as fired by the AK-47 — that will stop the terrorists with one shot.

a. ReiD, glasgow.

France’s fault

my french relatives are scornful when ISIS describes Paris as ‘the standard-bearer of the Cross in europe’ rightly pointing to its long tradition of opposing organised religion.

But the other terrorist reason for the slaughter — that france meddles in all of francophon­e Africa’s conflicts and even fought al-Qaeda in the maghreb — is pretty much spot on. most european powers simply walked away from their former colonies but france did not and intervenes economical­ly and militarily to this day in defence of its interests.

Having the largest muslim population in europe, it supplies ISIS with over 1,000 fighters, and its porous borders make it easy for jihadists to enter disguised as asylum seekers. Rev DR JoHn cameRon,

St andrews, Fife.

Close the borders

THe attacks in Paris have shown what will happen if we give unlimited access to Islamic terrorists. Like Sweden, Hungary and Slovenia, france is now closing its borders but the ‘wolves are already in the sheep pen’. We must close our borders whilst we still stand a chance and stop ridiculing nigel farage when he is warning people of the truth.

F. catloW, thurso, caithness.

Tolerating hate

HATe preachers in and out of mosques have been tolerated for years. now the Government wonders why some so-called British muslims have been radicalise­d?

J. BRoWnWigHt, edinburgh.

 ??  ?? Sorrow: A memorial to victims at La Belle Equipe, Paris
Sorrow: A memorial to victims at La Belle Equipe, Paris

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