Scottish Daily Mail

An amicable split, Cheryl? We’ll see


JANUARY is a time for new beginnings, but for every new beginning there must also be an ending. Yes, in addition to the Linekers divorcing (see above, left), Cheryl is also terminatin­g her blink-and-you’ll-miss-it marriage to Jean-Bernard Fernandez-Versini.

they reportedly split up last summer, which suggests that Wee C must have tights in her knicker drawer that are older than her second marriage.

Also, the actress Jane Seymour is divorcing for the fourth time, calling an end to her 22-year marriage to James Keach.

What these high-profile splits have in common is that the participan­ts are claiming ‘an amicable divorce’ in each case. Some might be cynical, but I hope with all my heart that this is true.

For the easier the divorce, the quicker you can get on with rebuilding your life.

Fights and arguments might seem inevitable along the way, but with divorce there is no winning, only degrees of losing. So hold onto the memory of what you once loved about your former spouse and try to be kind.

And if that fails, perhaps you could turn to a book called Jane Seymour’s Romantic Living, which the minx published in 1986 — six years before divorcing hubby number three.

In this forgotten classic, the 64-year-old actress, who had four children with two of her husbands, reveals her romantic secrets.

tips include: if you can’t afford a velvet gown, make one; how to choose a nanny; curl your hair into ringlets; and always wear a top hat on horseback.

In most of the glossy photograph­s, she appears to be sitting on the garden swing in an old wedding dress, looking quite fabulously mad.

Sometimes I feel, as her husbands perhaps did not, that there is just not enough Jane Seymour in my life.

 ??  ?? Short-lived marriage: Jean-Bernard and Cheryl
Short-lived marriage: Jean-Bernard and Cheryl

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