Scottish Daily Mail


If all visible celestial bodies influence our lives, why don’t astrologer­s cast charts that include the position of the Internatio­nal Space Station? We probably should. The very existence of the ISS is an influence on us all. It allows us to justify aspir


ARIES ARE our hopes and

Mar 21 — Apr 20 dreams misplaced? Are we puting faith in false ideas and artificial expectatio­ns? Should we give more credence to the sceptics and cynics who tell us that we blind ourselves to reality with the dazzling glare of unrealisti­c beliefs? While you may not be sure this weekend about how much faith to place in a promise or how hopeful to become about a possibilit­y, a supportive universe is doing all it can to rekindle your belief in a better future. Allow it to assist you by nurturing your brightest vision. Don’t miss your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts. There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5601. TAURUS SOME ideas or

Apr 21 — May 21 situations make us feel embarrasse­d. We would all, for example, hate to imagine that we were walking down the high street in our pyjamas. We have our pride and our sense of propriety. We believe in our duty to set standards and follow principled codes of behaviour. So stand up for what’s right, this weekend. Regardless of how much criticism this may evoke from those who might seek to belittle you, you can only emerge from a tricky situation with your head held high and an outcome to be

proud of. Don’t miss your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts. There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI WHEN we think

May 22 — June 22 things are going wrong in one area of life, we naturally start to look for other potential points of collapse. ‘If I can have a problem here, with this,’ we think to ourselves, ‘perhaps I can have one there, with that, too.’ Such uncomforta­ble ideas unnerve us. Rather like bacteria in a petri dish at room temperatur­e, they multiply at a disturbing­ly rapid rate. All you need to do, this weekend, is prevent the spread of unnecessar­y anxiety by focusing on all that makes you feel pleased, proud and positive. Don’t miss your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts. There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5603. CANCER YOU have spent a

June 23 — July 23 good part of this week working miracles of one kind or another. Are you intending to manifest even more magic this weekend? It would seem this is likely, even if you are not planning on it. You will find yourself in several situations that effectivel­y insist you come to the aid of others. You are so kindhearte­d, you won’t even think, for a moment,

about withholdin­g such help. Will this mean that you are taken advantage of? Not necessaril­y. There is an advantage for you in this situation,

too! Don’t miss your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts. There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5604. LEO YOU are smart as a whip.

July 24 — Aug 23 Sharp as a tack. A clever cookie. Are you always the brightest bulb in the chandelier? Well, er, no but that’s what makes you so exceptiona­lly intelligen­t. Some people waste mental energy by showing off. They are forever trying to impress each other and prove something to themselves. In squanderin­g all that brain power on irrelevant puzzles, they end up with nothing left to tackle truly important challenges. This weekend, just when you most need a stroke of genius, one will come. Don’t miss your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts. There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5605. VIRGO WHY enter the

Aug 24 — Sep 23 weekend clutching a long list of reasons to feel apprehensi­ve? One good reason not to do this is because it won’t be any fun. Nor will it do any good. We make a mistake when we worry. No matter what the cause for concern, we must summon positivity and do something constructi­ve, regardless of how small. If we don’t feel this will be enough, we should allow ourselves to reconsider ideas we might once have ruled out. Enter the weekend with a willingnes­s to see solutions — and they will

appear. Don’t miss your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts. There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5606. LIBRA HOW should others

Sep 24 — Oct 23 describe you? How do you think they see you? How do you want to be seen? What power do you have over the way in which you are perceived? You exert more influence than you realise. You can be surprising­ly persuasive — as long as you first persuade yourself of something. The truth will turn out to be whatever you believe it to be. That’s why it is so important to stop wondering about other people’s definition of ‘truth’ and to start focusing more fully on your own this weekend. Don’t miss your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts. There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5607. SCORPIO PEOPLE feel that if

Oct 24 — Nov 22 they keep their heads down, they run less risk of turning into a target. They imagine, too, that if they ensure their ambitions remain modest, they will have a better chance of fulfilling these. They think, ‘better to be safe than sorry’, forgetting that, later, they may feel sorry that they played it so safe. Such efforts to re-envisage our futures along less adventurou­s lines become selffulfil­ling prophecies. We think we won’t get far — so we don’t! You can go further than you think this weekend. Don’t miss your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts. There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5608.


Nov 23 — Dec 21 medicines are tested, scientists check against the ‘placebo effect’. We feel better when we think we are doing something that’s likely to help us feel better! It may be that, actually, we are doing something that is going to make no difference. But, for a while, at least, the simple belief that a constructi­ve step is being taken will produce relief. That surely tells us that placebos are powerful! Whether the solution you are now applying is good or bad, it is working. Let that be enough this weekend. Don’t miss your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts. There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5609.


Dec 22 — Jan 20 under your sign often tend to be modest to the point of selfeffaci­ng. You don’t seek affirmatio­n of your own importance through applause or admiration. It is, though, one thing to be nonchalant about the impression you are making on others, and another to be entirely oblivious to your own merits. You now feel reluctant to blow your own trumpet but, this weekend, given the enormity of all you are doing, it would not be inappropri­ate for an entire brass band to strike up in praise. Don’t miss your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts. There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS REMEMBER Jan 21 — Feb 19 that old song, What A Wonderful World? Let us put ourselves, for a moment, in the mind of the person who wrote it. Was he living on a different planet? Was it some other world he was referring to? He saw then what you may well see this weekend. There is not just positive potential around you now. There is not even just a situation which could become better if you set your mind to making it so. The world that truly deserves to be described as wonderful… is your world! Don’t miss your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts. There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5611. PISCES YOU are special. You

Feb 20 — Mar 20 are one of a kind. Now, we could say the same about every other human on this planet. It would be true, too. But that doesn’t make you any less important. Indeed, we could argue that your propensity for pointing this out is simply indicative of your modesty which, in itself, is laudable. This weekend, whether you choose to believe it or not — indeed, even if you try to talk yourself out of the idea that you deserve the best — the cosmos will continue to try to convince you until it eventually succeeds. Don’t miss your 2016 Full Year Ahead Love and Money forecasts. There’s great news. Call 0906 751 5612.

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