Scottish Daily Mail

Useless EU


If DAVID Cameron thinks a deal on immigratio­n will silence the critics of EU membership, he may as well be Don Quixote. The big issue is democracy itself.

The European Union is gradually evolving into a Soviet system, with no accountabi­lity to the public. We can’t elect the Presidents of the Commission or Parliament. We can’t elect the Commission­ers, all of whom are apparatchi­ks nominated by temporary political leaders from member states. Many have been rejected from seats of power by their electorate­s.

as the number of member states has grown, so has the number of commission­ers, each wielding considerab­le power, but answerable only to their political masters.

The result is a bureaucrac­y that is out of control and with it goes any chance of managing expenditur­e. Though many member states, the UK included, are enduring considerab­le economic stress following the 2007/8 crash, the Commission is awarding itself significan­t salary increases, adding to their already generous rewards.

Yet it is many years since their finances have been audited properly and independen­tly.

The European Parliament, which should be focused on holding the Commission­ers to account, is effectivel­y supine, which is unsurprisi­ng as MEPs feed from the same trough.

The whole structure is supported by an ever-growing army of civil servants who pay only a nominal rate of tax on their generous salaries, totally unrelated to their productivi­ty or efficiency. Over time, the ability of any one state to block irrational legislatio­n has been whittled away by the increased use of majority voting.

The result is that the larger number of ‘dependent’ states in the Union is able to drive through legislatio­n that benefits the less productive states at the expense of the strong economies.

This will eventually lead to the economic decline of the entire Union.

The immigratio­n crisis is a symptom, not a cause, and, as in medicine, won’t be cured by applying a palliative just to relieve the symptoms.

Our Government is aware that if it steals too much from wealth producers to subsidise the unproducti­ve, the wealth producers will pack up and leave. Britain should tell the EU that we, too, can pack up and go.

DIGBY HARPER, Benson, Oxon.

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