Scottish Daily Mail

Brexit chief says some SNP members secretly back Out

- By Gareth Rose Scottish Political Reporter

THE leader of the Scottish Brexit campaign has claimed SNP politician­s want to rebel against Nicola Sturgeon and campaign for Out.

Tom Harris, a former UK Labour minister, said he had spoken to Nationalis­ts, as well as Labour and Tory candidates, who privately back leaving the EU.

He urged them to make their feelings known before the Scottish elections in May.

So far, the Conservati­ves’ Margaret Mitchell is the only elected member of the last Scottish parliament to confirm she supports Brexit.

But Jim Sillars, the former SNP deputy leader, is campaignin­g for Out and has urged other Scots Nationalis­ts to join him.

One of the key arguments for the Out campaign is that voting to leave the European Union will return more powers to the Scottish parliament, particular­ly over fishing.

Mr Harris said: ‘I have been in contact with a number of Scottish parliament­ary candidates from the SNP, Labour, and the Conservati­ves who are eager to campaign for a Leave vote, but feel unable to make their true feelings known before May. This is a betrayal of the Scottish people, and the leaders must trust the Scottish people to have the full facts.

‘Any candidate standing for any party on May 5 must be free to express their honestly held opinion on this historic vote.

‘To do anything else will leave the voting public without crucial informatio­n that will doubtless influence their decision.’

Mr Harris added: ‘Every year, Scotland sends more than £1.5billion to the EU.

‘A vote for Leave is a vote that says Scotland could put its own money to better use, like hospitals, police officers, education, roads maintenanc­e, and the creation of new jobs.’

All three major parties last night insisted that their candidates and future MSPs would be free to campaign for Out, but doubted whether many would choose to do so.

An SNP spokesman said yesterday: ‘Quite why Mr Harris thinks Scots will be attracted by an anti-Europe campaign in which he is joined by the likes of Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson and other Right-wing Tories is anyone’s guess.

‘SNP candidates and members are perfectly able to express their views on the issue – and we look forward to Scotland as a whole voting strongly to stay in Europe.’

A Labour spokesman added: ‘Scottish Labour will be campaignin­g to remain in the EU as we believe it’s in the best interests of families all across the country.

‘It will be for individual MSPs to decide how they will vote in the EU referendum, but the vast majority will be campaignin­g for an In vote.

‘Understand­ably however, our candidates are more focused on the Scottish parliament elections on May 5.’

And a Scottish Tory spokesman said: ‘Ruth’s been clear from the outset that Scottish Conservati­ves can take any position they like on the EU.’

‘Unable to make their true feelings known’

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