Scottish Daily Mail

Out of the mouths of babes


MeeTING up with our granddaugh­ter, Aubrie, who’s almost three and a bit of a drama queen, she ran towards her grandad, Alan, expecting to be lifted up and cuddled as usual. But he didn’t. Aubrie looked a bit put out until her mummy — our daughter Amy — explained grandad couldn’t lift her because he’d had an operation and would have a hole in his back until it healed. Then he would be fine. The next day, Amy took Aubrie to creche and, on collecting her, the lady in charge asked her: ‘Is everything oK with your father?’ ‘Yes,’ replied Amy, ‘why?’ Aubrie had told them grandad had a big hole in his back and his head was dropping off. Mrs M. akers, Wollaston, Northants.

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