Scottish Daily Mail

Shifty? I’m pure as driven snow, says Sir Santa


- Craig Brown

CHAIR: Sir Santa Claus, welcome. Thank you for agreeing to answer our questions. You are widely recognised as someone whose reputation is based on your skill in going down chimneys in the month of — what? — October, November? SIR SANTA: December. December the 24th. CHAIR: Yes, forgive me. December. And you also trade under the name of . . .? SIR SANTA: Father Christmas. CHAIR: And you specially dress up for this activity? SIR SANTA: Yes, I wear a red suit with a thick white trimming, shiny black boots with a buckle, and a red hat, also with a thick white trimming and a white pom-pom at its tip. CHAIR: And why do you dress like that? SIR SANTA: To be honest, I simply can’t remember. CHAIR: And once you have climbed down those chimneys, you do . . . what? SIR SANTA: My team and I distribute gifts, generally speaking in stockings, and specifical­ly to children and loved ones. CHAIR: While they are asleep? SIR SANTA: That’s right. CHAIR: So, to summarise, in the past, you have gained a reputation for dropping in on people’s houses and — entirely out of the goodness of your heart — leaving them gifts in the shape of toys, games, consumer durables and what have-you? SIR SANTA: Yes, I’m happy to look you in the eye and say that’s the case. CHAIR: But in recent years, your technique has changed, has it not? SIR SANTA: Not at all. I don’t know what you mean. CHAIR: Instead of secretly distributi­ng gifts — consumer durables and so on — you enter people’s houses when they are asleep with an empty sack, and then you take as much as you can lay your hands on. Am I right? SIR SANTA: With respect, I don’t know what you’re on about. I do not accept that at all. That’s just your way of looking at it and, with respect, you’ve got no experience in corporate sack operations. VICE-CHAIR: So you are denying, are you, that you altered your operation from one of give to one of take? SIR SANTA: Your words, not mine. We restructur­ed, restrategi­sed, yes. No problem with that. VICE-CHAIR: And this ‘re-structurin­g’ involved what exactly? SIR SANTA: I just told you. VICE-CHAIR: It involved removing items from — where? SIR SANTA: Coming from outside looking in, you wouldn’t understand, not unless you’d been in sack retail yourself. VICE-CHAIR: It involved putting other people’s belongings in a sack, then shinning back up the chimney with them, didn’t it? SIR SANTA: Do you mind not looking at me like that? It’s just uncomforta­ble, someone staring at me. CHAIR: Let me put it another way. Did you or did you not change your operation to ransacking other people’s homes? SIR SANTA: With respect, they were not their possession­s. CHAIR: So whose possession­s were they? SIR SANTA: Since you ask, they belonged to my good wife, Lady Claus. I can honestly look you in the eye and say that, from the moment they hit the bottom of that sack, they belonged to her.

VICE-CHAIR: But they weren’t hers in the first place!

SIR SANTA: You can’t expect me to remember if it was in the first place, the second place or the third. I’ve got people who deal with that. But it was ours. Let’s face it. It was our sack, so everything in it belonged to us. If you don’t understand that, you’ll never understand the Christmas sack trade. End of.

CHAIR: And Lady Claus is at present on her luxury, new £100 million, 25berth supersleig­h, with its own helipad, plunge pool and beauty salon, fully staffed by a team of 50 reindeer? SIR SANTA: Well, you’d have to ask Rudolph. VICE-CHAIR: Rudolph? SIR SANTA: My Director of Operations. He’s a red-nosed reindeer. CHAIR: A reindeer? What made you appoint a reindeer? SIR SANTA: He’s had over 25 years’ experience as a reindeer. But sometimes that’s just not good enough. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not blaming him. Far from it. I’m just saying he’s to blame. If I wanted to park the blame I could spend the next 20 minutes blaming a lot of people. But I’m not going to. I’m just going to say that it was all their fault. VICE-CHAIR: Sir Santa, do you have any plans to pay back all the valuables you removed from people’s homes at Christmas? Yes or no? SIR SANTA: To be honest, I’m going to look you straight in the eye and tell you, with respect, that I can’t remember. Next question!

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