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OSCAR, Is it true that your Sun sign shows what you aspire to be and your Moon sign shows the qualities you already possess? Is it really that simple? Sara Hi Sara, Though there’s an element of truth in what you say, it’s not quite as cut and dried. The Moon represents what we crave, as well as our inherent emotional qualities. And we already manifest much of what the Sun inspires us to be. Our horoscope invites us to unlock all the potential within!

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

I HAVE a plate that defies mathematic­s. Put two biscuits on it, then another two — for some reason, it will never add up to four. It’s sometimes three, sometimes one, but usually zero. Curiously, you’ll never discover five or more on your return from the biscuit tin! So can I now persuade you that 2+2=5? No? Over the coming days, it should be clear where you’re being distracted and where you need to focus. You can make a discovery that will be more than nourishing. Your in-depth spoken forecast doesn’t cost much and is worth every penny . . . and it might just help you change your life. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

THEY say patience is a virtue, but have you noticed when they tend to say it? It’s whenever we’re in a hurry. When we’re relaxed and taking our time, they remind us lethargy is a vice. What they seem to be suggesting is that there are some virtues we can have too much of and that some vices, in moderation at least, are virtuous. The whole concept of vice versus virtue needs to be reviewed now. As your ruler recently made a tense angle with Pluto, could your vices actually be most appropriat­e? Your in-depth spoken forecast doesn’t cost much and is worth every penny . . . and it might just help you change your life. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

WE’VE all heard the phrase ‘you and who’s army?’ trotted out by those with more power than they ought to have. Such people seem determined to flex their muscles whenever the opportunit­y arrives, just to prove they can. What they fear is that decent, honest people like you will band together in the name of progress. The world is too full of tyrants to stomach the rise of mini-dictators. This week, you may find your calls for support are answered. Your in-depth spoken forecast doesn’t cost much and is worth every penny . . . and it might just help you change your life. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

I ONCE saw a documentar­y on big game hunters in which a man stalked and killed a magnificen­t white elk. He said: ‘I just saw it silhouette­d against the moon, and I thought: “It’s so beautiful I have to kill it.” ’ While we may disagree with his decision, it’s helpful to know what motivated him. Sometimes with extreme emotion, we don’t know how to cope. Some respond in a destructiv­e way, while others feel compelled to protect. Ask yourself today if you can justify an intense reaction. Your in-depth spoken forecast doesn’t cost much and is worth every penny . . . and it might just help you change your life. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

understand­ing. It’s also madeyou andyou need needthe easier to be be to If an a accessthat’sfolk influentia­l musician INSPIRATIO­Ntrue,with skill. then jazzis They three perhapspla­yeris rootedsay chordsis all all all in the complicate­dscales and jazza question!piece usually Even resolvesth­e most itself. You have faced difficult questions. But you can find the solutions you seek. You may have to flow in surprising directions, but you have what it takes to answer the call. Your in-depth spoken forecast doesn’t cost much and is worth every penny . . . and it might just help you change your life. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

SHOWING up in the nick of time is part of what it takes to be a hero. Imagine a train heading for a helpless victim tied to the tracks. Now imagine Superman in an armchair, reading the paper, waiting for the train to arrive so he can have his moment. We’d rightly ask why he didn’t act sooner, or even stop the villain as he tied up his victim. ‘Where’s the glory in that?’ he might say. Today, you can do what’s needed before a situation becomes dire. Don’t delay action in hope of recognitio­n. Your in-depth spoken forecast doesn’t cost much and is worth every penny . . . and it might just help you change your life. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

YESTERDAY, we talked about writing a list: what’s wrong with the world. In the interests of balancing out this very long document, there probably ought to be another list: things that are right with the world. By definition, this would be shorter. It takes far less to make us feel good than it does to make us feel bad. Just one happy thought can sweep away a small mountain of worries and complaints. As Venus leaves a tricky Pluto angle behind, try today to see just what I mean by that. Your in-depth spoken forecast doesn’t cost much and is worth every penny . . . and it might just help you change your life. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

AS A boy, I used to marvel that the ingredient­s were printed on chocolate bars. Why do that when, surely, it means I can make my own? Of course, I never did. There’s a big difference between a list of ingredient­s and a recipe. There’s a bigger difference still between a recipe and the process and infrastruc­ture required to create a competing global brand. The recognitio­n you desire is possible. Don’t make your reluctance to reveal the secret of your success a barrier to its achievemen­t. Your in-depth spoken forecast doesn’t cost much and is worth every penny . . . and it might just help you change your life. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

YOUR forecast yesterday quoted from Edward Lear’s The Owl And The Pussycat. Most of us know the poem so well, we can be surprised to be reminded that it doesn’t make sense. Once we get used to the idea that something is ridiculous, we can accept it without question. Jonathan’s reflection­s on today’s alignments are apt: ‘A ludicrous propositio­n is passing without comment. Don’t let it upset you but don’t ignore it entirely, either.’ Your in-depth spoken forecast doesn’t cost much and is worth every penny . . . and it might just help you change your life. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

WE TEND to fear the unknown, as our imaginatio­n creates much greater threats than truly exist. It’s true there are people ‘out there’ who want what you’ve got. But they are far more likely to work for it themselves than to try taking it from you. Think of examples of lives you’d like to emulate. Do you wish to usurp those people, or to join them in the nirvana they seem graced by? Don’t let fear prevent a relationsh­ip developing. The benefits will be felt by many. Your in-depth spoken forecast doesn’t cost much and is worth every penny . . . and it might just help you change your life. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

HOW can you identify the changes that are needed? In some cases, there are tell-tale signs. We take evidence from what has worked before, and apply the logical steps that would seem to be the solution. But when we face an unfamiliar situation, what indicators can we seek out? We don’t want to be stuck doing the same things while expecting different results. If you want something to change, it’s vital to match your desire with the methodolog­y you employ. Your in-depth spoken forecast doesn’t cost much and is worth every penny . . . and it might just help you change your life. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

WE SPOKE yesterday about moving goalposts. It remains true that you are not in a stable situation. Things keep altering. But you can either let this be a source of irritation or an excuse to instigate some adjustment­s of your own. As Jupiter, your co-ruler, and Mercury leave a tricky angle, the only question you must ask yourself is: are you being fair to the essence or the spirit of an agreement, even if it seems as if nobody is being very true to the letter of the law as it was laid down? Your in-depth spoken forecast doesn’t cost much and is worth every penny . . . and it might just help you change your life. Call 0906 751 5612.

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