Scottish Daily Mail

Honest Hillary


i BEG to differ with Max Hastings’s assessment of Hillary clinton (Mail). She isn’t widely disliked by the american people. Max’s East coast friends aren’t a very wide sample.

The fact is that lies have been spread about her by faux media sites online, dubious Fox News and the Republican party. The discerning voter (and critical reader) knows the truth — that Hillary clinton is widely respected in Washington as an honest, hard worker.

Her integrity has been noted by several political fact-check sources. of all the candidates in this year’s election, including Bernie Sanders, she emerges as the most honest. and with Sanders’s help, her already liberal, progressiv­e platform has become even more so.

Max is right about one thing: too many people believe the lies about her. Social media and Fox News often hide the truth. She has important positions on women, minorities, LGBT, the environmen­t, the economy, etc, and her foreign policy experience is unmatched by any candidate in recent presidenti­al elections.

My main regret is that she doesn’t have a worthy opponent in Donald Trump. i want to see her win on her

reputation and the issues, not just because her opponent is spreading his hateful ideology. My advice to those Americans living in the US or abroad who doubt hillary Clinton is this: do some serious research before November. PROFESSOR DONNA R. CASELLA, Film and media studies, Minnesota State University.

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