Scottish Daily Mail



This week kicks off with some fiery trines! The Sun and Venus, both in Leo, make these positive alignments with Saturn and uranus respective­ly. With uranus having turned retrograde recently, here is further evidence of change afoot. Yet, a trine with Venus is no change to fear! it suggests that something beautiful and unexpected is heading our way. Beautiful and unexpected does not, in this case, suggest frivolity. The Sun and Saturn’s relationsh­ip suggests that it can have a serious and lasting impact.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

‘STOP looking for love and it will find you’ or so the cliche goes. But when a person is lonely, even when they attempt to stop searching, they’re often just trying a new way to find someone. So is there any truth to the old adage? Does every happy couple only meet by accident? Do all great romances start with two disinteres­ted hearts? Hardly. But that’s not to say that love can’t spring from unusual places. Today, be prepared for a beautiful surprise. Let your guard down and invite love in. Please keep reading. There are great things to discover in your in-depth forecast for August. For inspiratio­n, call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

YOUR path may not be entirely smooth or easy but at least it leads from point A to point B. There is no ambiguity about it — which is more than can be said for a previous route. That relied on faith. You had no real proof that you had chosen the right path and, indeed, you kept needing to ignore signs that suggested a mistake had been made. When you decided to change, you had even begun to fear that you might have done some damage. Venus trining Uranus indicates that actually, it came in the nick of time. August is the month you’ve been waiting for. Get the good news in your NEW four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

HOW many appointmen­ts are in your diary today? What about calls to make? Have you made sure you’ve amended that standing order? And don’t forget to write the shopping list! Look, I know you’re busy but I need to ask you something. How dedicated are you to your cause? How committed are you about taking the practical steps to see progress? We all have distractio­ns, but there are times when we need to concentrat­e our energies on what really matters. You’ll feel stronger for it. There’s lots to tell you about August and you’ll like it. Call your NEW, inspiratio­n-packed forecast: 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

THEY say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. They don’t say what the way to a woman’s heart is, but I’ve heard it said that laughter is a good first step. In which case the belly is the common denominato­r! But whether it’s shaking in mirth or filling with food, the pleasure that arises from these sensations doesn’t need much encouragem­ent to turn into an emotional response. Today, you can surprise someone with how you make them feel. It may lay the groundwork for something more. Even if you don’t usually call your in-depth forecast, you should hear this excellent news for August. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

ARE there drawbacks to being seen as a wit? Is there a downside to having natural charm? If there is, it’s that there are moments in which those blessed with these characteri­stics don’t feel as though they’re being taken seriously… as if playfulnes­s denotes hidden weakness. This is, of course, false. As President Barack Obama will attest, the lighter side to Leo’s nature does not mask a lack of stomach for a fight. And in the face of any adversary, your resilience is anchored to your heart. Your indepth, NEW August forecast could be one of the most rewarding phone calls you ever make. Dial 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

OVER the weekend, your ruler Mercury returned to your sign. Whenever a ruling planet returns to one of its native positions in the zodiac, the people born under that sign begin to feel revitalise­d. Life can sometimes be like a hall of mirrors. We’re all capable of being many things. None of these are strictly a lie, they are merely exaggerati­ons or distortion­s of different sides of ourselves. Now you are being empowered to be the person at the heart of the image. You can harness this energy and be your very best self. understand what’s happening in your horoscope and discover how to assure success in August. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

IN THE world of advertisin­g and marketing, the Holy Grail is ‘word of mouth’. Companies spend a fortune on campaigns designed to persuade people that a product or service is ‘the best’. But the recommenda­tion of a good friend will always count for far more than the endorsemen­t of a celebrity. Similarly, if the folk around us all think badly about someone or something, we feel inclined to take the same view. As Venus trines Uranus, what idea might you be helping to make popular? Be sure that it’s worth it. There are great things to discover in your in-depth forecast for August. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

ONCE we know what we want, the next step is to make it a reality. The cosmos is calling you to take up arms now and ride out, meet and act on your aspiration­s. This is a moment to define exactly what you’re going to tilt your lance at. You don’t want to find yourself with dust in your crosshairs! You need to set tangible targets with realistic outcomes. More is possible than you may realise so don’t set your sights too low. Be positive in your endeavours and the rewards will be generous. August is the month you’ve been waiting for. Get the good news in your NEW four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

THEY say, ‘What goes around, comes around.’ And so it does. But it goes (and comes) in its own sweet time. You can no more speed it up or slow it down than you can cause the Earth to turn faster. It’s why, if you really want to benefit from the Great Cosmic Law of Reciprocat­ion, there is one quality that you need above all else: patience. Saturn, in your sign, and the Sun trine today. So if you are looking for some of this patience, and you can’t find it, here is what will help you to track it down: Trust. There’s lots to tell you about August. Call your NEW, inspiratio­n-packed forecast: 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

YOU’VE heard those fawning interviews on daytime TV. The guest on the sofa is asked: ‘You’re a champion kick-boxer, an award-winning chef, you’ve written six novels, and you’re a mother of five. What’s your secret?’ The inevitable glib response is always about following dreams and being true to oneself. But in reality it takes a huge team to keep up this front. You may be searching for a solution to a seemingly insurmount­able problem. Build a coalition and be generous to co-conspirato­rs and your burden can become a bounty. Even if you don’t usually call for some excellent news for August. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

TODAY both of your co-rulers will benefit from generous planetary energy in your opposite sign. The Sun trines your traditiona­l ruler Saturn, and Venus makes the same angle with your modern ruler Uranus. What does this mean for you? To a degree it means whatever you want it to mean. These configurat­ions imbue your life with immense opportunit­y. Avenues of progress will arise where before there were only dead ends. Move confidentl­y and take advantage of these gifts. Your in-depth, NEW August forecast could be one of the most rewarding phone calls you ever make. Dial 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

BEEN anywhere interestin­g lately? Planning to soon? Your outlook suggests an expedition of a different kind. A voyage of emotional exploratio­n or intellectu­al discovery made through the process of achievemen­t. ‘Travel,’ they say, ‘broadens the mind’. Yours was broad to begin with, but now you’re ready to start seeing life from a different perspectiv­e: victory. You can’t take refuge in the old certaintie­s. Somehow, these are now questionab­le. Those words suggest the territory you’re entering into is full of hope. understand what’s happening and discover how to assure success in August. Call 0906 751 5612.

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