Scottish Daily Mail



Dr GUY MEADOWS, clinical director of The Sleep School

It’s not just you

I HAVE clients who have resorted to sleeping not just in separate beds, but in different houses because they disturbed each other so much at night. It’s a very common problem so don’t be afraid to seek help.

Invest in a new mattress

BEFORE you buy a new bed, try an adaptive mattress, which is designed to limit the transmissi­on of movement

from one side of the bed to the other. I work closely with a company called Bensons For Beds that has a wide range. More informatio­n at bensonsfor­

Try old-fashioned compromise

IF YOU like a 10pm bedtime and he prefers midnight, then try splitting the difference. Ask him to use a dimmer on his bedside light but, in return, turn your alarm down. It may seem obvious, but many couples seem to forget about respect.

Beware ear plugs and eye masks

IF YOU become absolutely reliant on them, you can develop a phobia of being without ear plugs or an eye mask. This sometimes creates a new sleep problem rather than solving the original one.

Be honest with yourself

IN MANY cases, I see that it is the anticipati­on of not being able to sleep that is causing the problem rather than the reality of what a partner is doing. Mindfulnes­s techniques can help here.

What’s causing his snoring?

FORTY per cent of us snore (the majority are men), but not for the same reasons. Is it an allergy? Are you overweight? Is it brought on by alcohol consumed in the evening? Find the root cause and a cure may be simple.

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