Scottish Daily Mail

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1 WHEN is the sun usually at its strongest in the UK?

A. April to November, especially from 11am to 3pm B. April to November, especially from 12pm to 6pm C. March to October, especially from 11am to 3pm D. March to October, especially from 12pm to 6pm

2 ACCORDING to the Health and Safety Executive, three of the following

groups of people should avoid using sunbeds or tanning booths. Which does it NOT include in its warnings? A. People who have lots of freckles and red hair B. People who are over 60 C. People who have lots of moles D. People who have had skin cancer or have a relative who has had it

3 TRUE Or FALSE: Sitting behind glass can stop skin being damaged by the sun.

4 APART from the sun, there are many sources of vitamin D. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

A. Cow’s milk B. Oily fish (such as salmon, sardines and mackerel) C. Eggs D. Fortified breakfast cereal

5 FROM lowest to highest, rank the following substances in order of the proportion of the sun’s rays that they reflect back:

A. Snow B. Sand C. Water D. Concrete


6 TRUE oR FALSE: A heavy tan — even if not reddish sunburn — is never a good idea and is always damaging. ANSWERS 1) C. MARCH to october, especially from 11am to 3pm. During these times in particular, you should make sure you are in the shade. 2) B. PEoPLE who are over 60. 3) FALSE. Most glass used for windows blocks UVB, but not UVA, rays. This means that though glass might slightly reduce the risk of sunburn, it does not prevent long-term skin damage from UVA. So, if you are driving long distances or sitting in your conservato­ry every day for long periods of time, you need to make sure that you are using sun protection on sunny days. 4) A. COW’S MILK In BRITAIn, cow’s milk is generally not a good source of vitamin D because it isn’t fortified, as it is in other countries. You only need short exposure to the sun to produce adequate amounts of the vitamin. 5) C. Water — about 5 per cent D. Concrete — about 10 per cent B. Sand — about 15 per cent A. Snow — about 75 per cent (According to Cancer Research UK) 6) TRUE ACCoRDInG to the British Associatio­n of Dermatolog­ists. The dark pigment that gives the skin its natural colour is called melanin. After our skin has been exposed to sunlight, it produces more melanin in an attempt to absorb further UV radiation, so the skin becomes darker. A tan is actually a sign that the skin has been damaged and is trying to protect itself.

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