Scottish Daily Mail

Supermarke­ts promote junk food first

- Daily Mail Reporter

MORE than half of promotiona­l discounts in supermarke­ts are for junk food rather than healthy options, a consumer watchdog has discovered.

The analysis of supermarke­t offers by Which? between April and June found that 52 per cent of confection­ery was on offer, compared to only about a third of fresh fruit and vegetables.

The watchdog is calling for retailers to play their part in the fight against obesity by offering price cuts on healthy options and removing promotions on junk foods such as sweets and sugary drinks from around checkouts. Of the 77,165 cut-price promotions across supermarke­ts, the watchdog found over half (53 per cent) were on less healthy foods.

Also, 69 per cent of soft drinks that would fall under the highest category of the proposed sugar tax were on promotion.

In a survey of shoppers, Which? found a third say they find it difficult to eat healthily because they believe it is more expensive than less healthy food. Half said supermarke­ts should include more healthier choices in price promotions to make it easier for them to choose food that is better for them.

Alex Neill of Which? said: ‘Everybody has to play their part in the fight against obesity. It’s time for supermarke­ts to shift the balance of products they include in price promotions and for all retailers to get rid of temptation at the till by taking sweets off the checkout.’

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