Scottish Daily Mail

Riding with an ill-fitting bra could hurt your horse

- By Fiona MacRae Science Editor

FEMALE horse-riders have been told an ill-fitting bra is not just uncomforta­ble for them – it could also distress their horse.

Scientists say horses are so in tune with their riders that their heart rate speeds up if they perceive them to be in discomfort.

Researcher Lorna Cameron, of Sparsholt College in Hampshire, said: ‘Poor fit or insufficie­nt support for larger-breasted riders may affect rider posture.’

She added: ‘The horse is trained to respond to subtle cues and maintainin­g a relaxed, upright riding posture can be crucial.’

Co-researcher Dr Jenny Burbage, of Portsmouth University, said: ‘The physical applicatio­n of cues to the horse relies on good postural control by the rider, which can be negatively impacted by pain or discomfort leading to postural asymmetry.

‘The ridden horse is trained to respond to cues given by the rider’s body, but as a species they can detect and respond to physiologi­cal changes that the rider may be unaware of.’

Their study found that 40 per cent of women experience­d breast pain while riding.

A sitting trot is particular­ly painful and some women said the pain was ‘excruciati­ng’.

While around 90 per cent of marathon runners always wear a supportive bra, as few as 14 per cent of horse-riders follow suit. The researcher­s said the advantages of wearing a sports bra when running have been well publicised and horse-riders now need to take note.

Dr Burbage said: ‘A correctly fitting bra for exercise is essential, as an incorrect fit can contribute to upper body musculoske­letal problems, poor posture and deep bra furrows in the shoulder caused by excessive strap pressure.’

She added: ‘It is particular­ly important for women with large breasts to wear a well-fitted and supportive bra, as insufficie­nt support for large breasts can lead to upper body pain and poor posture.

‘Yet such women are more likely to have an incorrect fit.’

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