Scottish Daily Mail

Is David Cameron’s honours list a disgrace?


HOW will people who deservedly have letters after their names feel if Sam Cam’s stylist gets an OBE? Cameron’s honours list is a mockery!

PHIL NORTH, Brigg, Lincs. IS IT true that Sir Philip Green is about to return his ‘gong’ because he is so disillusio­ned by the sleaze associated with the honours system?

PATRICK LAY, Bramber, West Sussex. FORGIVE me for not being furious, but resignatio­n honours have long been a way for a PM to reward those close to him, a small perk for him and for them. Better that than huge salaries.

SIMON CAMPBELL, Glasgow. AS AN avid supporter of your newspaper for over 50 years, I read of David Cameron’s wish to give honours to pro-EU campaigner­s and cronies with interest. I commend the Daily Mail on its coverage and comments regarding the referendum — but surely there is one person who truly deserves recognitio­n for getting us out of Europe. Arise, Sir Nigel Farage!

DAVID CRUMPLER, address supplied. THE baubles David Cameron is planning to award will appear to many even more distastefu­l than Blair’s list of cronies. I hope Mrs May will block most from receiving a gong for simply doing their job. TERRY McDONALD-DORMAN,

Darlington, Co Durham. A BRAVE man was hurt trying to save MP Jo Cox’s life. What sort of award has Cameron suggested he should be given?

J. HOLMES, Higham, Kent. MY BLUNT Lancashire-born mother had a saying: ‘Never criticise someone until you are sure that, in their position, you wouldn’t do the same.’ Well, I would love to give out gongs to all my friends and cronies!

J. SNOWDON, Birmingham. WHAT is wrong with Mr Cameron’s honours list? It’s his way of thanking staff and those who backed him with support and money, or both. What about those without whom he would never have become Prime Minister — us, the voters? What did we get? The Order of Austerity.

RONALD BALL, Farnboroug­h, Hants.

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