Scottish Daily Mail

Off to St Helena!


FANATICAL Muslim cleric, hate preacher Anjem Choudary has been found guilty of inciting violence, even murder. He has proven links to the men who hacked to death the British soldier Lee rigby, and to other atrocities. It has been revealed that his wife is also implicated in his activities.

He is likely to be sentenced to a mere ten years’ imprisonme­nt. His wife has not yet faced trial.

His ‘human rights’ lawyers will no doubt use taxpayers’ legal aid to demand that he is imprisoned sufficient­ly close to his wife to enable her to visit him, and that he is protected from retributio­n by other prisoners, but not kept in solitary confinemen­t.

This evil man has never worked, but has subsisted on the english taxpayer to the extent of £25,000 a year in

benefits and has cost our state several hundreds of thousands of pounds in giving him legal aid to fight prosecutio­n.

Why on earth is he able to demand human rights treatment now that he has been found guilty of so many heinous crimes?

Solitary confinemen­t is a cruel sentence, so can I suggest a location where he would be protected from retributio­n by other prisoners, yet pass his time in productive work and be free to enjoy fresh air without the risk of his escaping.

That location is the island of Saint Helena. If it was good enough for an Emperor of France, it is more than good enough for an evil rat like Anjem Choudary. And perhaps his wife could join him there.

Name and address supplied.

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