Scottish Daily Mail

Support for Syria


THE picture of the terrified Syrian boy (Mail) took me back many years to when I visited Aleppo when the country was ruled by Hafez al-Assad, the father of President Bashar al-Assad.

The Syrians are lovely people. The land was well-farmed and irrigated, the shops and bazaars were overflowin­g with goods and everyone seemed to be smiling. It was Eid and everyone was in a celebrator­y mood. For those who wanted it, alcohol was readily available.

Walking in a park near the city centre with a friend, I was approached by a young fellow who asked if we minded him joining us to practise his English. His name was Abdo. He stayed with us for the few days we were in Aleppo, showing us various sights of interest, never asking for money.

I’ve often wondered as I see the destructio­n of that city whether he and his family are still alive.

I’d like to express my support for President Assad and to say to those who wish to destroy Syria (which includes not only ISIS but others whom we are led to believe are ‘on our side’) that they are in the wrong.

I read some time ago that Syria was one of the few countries which isn’t in hock to the IMF. Is this why Assad is so unfavourab­ly regarded? PHILIP SANDLAND, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs.

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