Scottish Daily Mail


The effects of major astrologic­al alignments aren’t experience­d only at the moment they occur. Often, they’re felt for days either side. Today brings the final Mars-Neptune square of this cycle. It’s a time for compassion­ate action, when we can add energy


ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

THERE are some who welcome change and others who criticise, fear or resent it. It’s never easy to tell if it’s worthwhile until it’s been given a fair trial. But precedents can be considered. What happened last time something similar was attempted? Learn from the past, but be aware you’re living in different times. As your ruler Mars makes its final square with Neptune, what’s transformi­ng in your life can change in the right way, for the right reasons. Unsure about the direction you’re heading in? There’s valuable advice when you call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

OPENING your heart is easier as a propositio­n than in actuality, for once a heart is open, it is vulnerable. You want to welcome in the world with optimism, but experience has taught you about Trojan horses and dishonest intentions. Even those who bear no ill will bring unintended consequenc­es. So, as we get older we grow wary, reticent, even suspicious. Yet you still feel the urge towards compassion. And this weekend, much can be made of big-heartednes­s. Feeling overwhelme­d? There’s a way forward. Your forecast will help you find it. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

YESTERDAY we talked about not taking no for an answer. So much is possible. Someone in your life can inspire you to find the drive within. Much is achievable that has for too long been fantasy. The path forward may not always be obvious. There will be twists and turns that could prove difficult to navigate. Yet, even if forced into a tactical retreat, don’t lose hope. Any steps backwards will soon be outnumbere­d by those in the right direction. Unsure about the direction you’re heading in? There’s valuable advice when you call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

PAINFUL experience­s are not always as problemati­c as we perceive. At times you have to be brave and deal with challenges you’d rather ignore. Though you may not enjoy it, you can benefit enormously. As the Moon returns to your sign, this is a good time for you to look at what’s been so stressful recently. There’s been purpose to your process and, as Venus and Jupiter conjunct over the weekend, you can reap well-deserved rewards. Feeling overwhelme­d? There’s a way forward. Your forecast will help you find it. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

SOMEONE shares your ideals. Like two people who’ve dreamed the same dream, you’re in on a secret. Whenever we’re in cahoots with someone, there’s the potential for mistrust, especially when something important is at stake. The cosmos, though, is urging you to remain open-hearted. Sometimes, when you put your faith in someone, you appeal to their better nature and their support grows more tangible. Fear has no place here. Trust and openness will bring mutual success. Unsure about the direction you’re heading in? There’s valuable advice when you call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

YOU are tilting at windmills. Chasing rainbows. Er, aren’t you? Normally, given Mars is forming a square with Neptune, I might have delivered a lecture about the need to wake up to reality. But Venus will soon conjunct Jupiter in your sign as it catches up with your ruler Mercury. And Mercury has just formed an encouragin­g alignment with Saturn. More than the usual is possible right now. Feeling overwhelme­d? There’s a way forward. Your forecast will help you find it. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

THIS weekend, immerse yourself in something beautiful. Find something or somewhere creative or precious and indulge yourself in its majesty. There’s a special magic about losing yourself in a place where anything seems possible, where kindness is rewarded and dreams can come true. Sadly, life is often far less like this than we’d like it to be. Yet occasional­ly we catch a glimpse of this alternate reality. Should you do so, grab hold of it. Unsure about the direction you’re heading in? There’s valuable advice when you call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

IT’S HARD to be patient. When you’re playing the waiting game, distractio­n is a useful technique. As the old saying goes, good things come to those who wait. Of course, this phrase is usually trotted out by the gatekeeper rather than the weary traveller waiting to enter. Neverthele­ss, it’s true. You’ve been expecting something that means a great deal to you. That which matters takes effort and time to materialis­e. Don’t lose faith that it will. Feeling overwhelme­d? There’s a way forward. Your forecast will help you find it. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

IT’S time to reveal your true colours and natural confidence. You know about the joys of generosity — your unselfish giving is legendary and your charitable deeds much appreciate­d. But behaving this way is not easy. You’ve been burned before. This is a time when it’s worth taking the risk. We both know how far you’ve come and how brave you can be. Trust in yourself. Your open-heartednes­s will bring gifts to share and benefits to all, yourself included. Unsure about the direction you’re heading in? There’s valuable advice when you call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

THIS week, we’ve been talking about making the best of difficulti­es and focusing on the bright side. Developmen­ts this weekend bring you to a different position. No matter what may have been dogging you, the chance to make progress arrives. No more hunting for that silver lining! It’s time to explore the meaning of the challenges you’ve faced recently and appreciate how positive thinking has transforme­d into positive action. Feeling overwhelme­d? There’s a way forward. Your forecast will help you find it. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

SHOULD you steel yourself for strife? By Jove, no! If you’re entertaini­ng even half a suspicion that things may get stressful this weekend, cast it aside lest you create a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you’re making those, make them constructi­ve. As Venus conjuncts Jupiter while forming a creative angle with your ruler Saturn, tell yourself you can make wonderful things happen! Because this is far closer to the reality you’re about to encounter. Unsure about the direction you’re heading in? There’s valuable advice when you call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

CAN you feel your spirit rising? Can you feel a tide turning? As a sign represente­d by fish, it’s important to be aware of underlying currents. But, being blessed with fins, you’re not obliged to follow blindly — with effort, you can swim against the waves. Yet the direction you’re being pulled in is not one you wish to fight. The wave you’re being carried on can take you in the right direction. Harness this energy and you’ll exceed the limits of what you thought possible. Feeling overwhelme­d? There’s a way forward. Your forecast will help you find it. Call 0906 751 5612.

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