Scottish Daily Mail

Berry and chia seed ‘jam’


A PECULIAR property of chia seeds is their ability to expand and absorb fluid, forming a clear gel, so it can be used to make a berry coulis, or ‘jam’ to drizzle into yoghurt or over a pudding. SERVES 4 l 100g berries with seeds (frozen is fine) l 1 tsp chia seeds for a coulis, 2 tsp for ‘jam’ l 50ml water l ½-1 tsp maple syrup (optional) • CALORIES 20 • PROTEIN 1g • FAT 1g• FIBRE 1g • CARBS 3g PUT the berries and water in a small pan and bring to the boil. When the berries begin to soften, mash them with a fork or potato masher, then add the chia seeds. Simmer for 5 minutes, adding more water if it gets too thick (and maple syrup if desired). Store in a jar in the fridge for a few days. Convert this to berry ‘mousse’ by stirring half of one serving of berry coulis into 2 tbsp creme fraiche, then drizzling the other half on top and chill.

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