Scottish Daily Mail

Why you should let children play with their food

- By Pat Hagan

EVERY evening parents across the country bark the same instructio­n to their young children at the dinner table: ‘Don’t play with your food!’

Now, however, research suggests that youngsters who are allowed to mess around with their fruit and vegetables are actually more likely to eat them.

Researcher­s found that children given permission to touch, handle and even squash foods such as spinach, cucumbers, bananas and tomatoes were more inclined to snack on them later.

The findings, published in the journal Appetite, suggest this type of sensory play helps young children overcome any resistance they have to foods they are reluctant to eat. Researcher­s said the key is not to put pressure on children but to let them play instead. At no time during the experiment were they encouraged to consume any of the fruits or vegetables. Instead, they naturally took to eating healthy snacks immediatel­y after the test.

It is estimated that only around 16 per cent of pre-school children in Britain eat the recommende­d daily allowance of five portions of fruit and vegetables.

Experts have long believed the key to increasing their intake is exposing youngsters to taste. But the latest study, by scientists at De Montfort University in Leicester, suggests touch and feel may be the catalyst to healthier eating. They recruited 62 preschool children aged three to four from nurseries around Northampto­n. Parents were asked to record typical fruit and veg intake in the weeks before the experiment.

Some of the children were then given bowls of broccoli, carrots, spinach, banana, radishes, green beans, oranges, lemons, cucumbers, tomatoes and blueberrie­s.

They were asked to use them to reproduce pictures from the children’s book The Very Hungry Caterpilla­r. The children were encouraged to squash or reshape the foods if they needed to.

Another group was told to instead play with pompoms, sequins, foam shapes, feathers, glitter and pipe cleaners.

A third group was allowed to play a similar game but with a researcher handling the foods rather than them. Immediatel­y after playing, the children were asked if they would like to try any of the items.

The results revealed that those who had played with them tried significan­tly more fruit and vegetables than those in the rival groups. The researcher­s said: ‘One explanatio­n is they had time to familiaris­e themselves and interact with the foods. This would suggest exposure does not have to be based on taste alone.

‘We found the largest benefits were with foods that are less familiar, such as pomegranat­e and kiwi. During play, there was no mention of tasting the food. The goal was to engage with it and create something from it. It may be these types of activities increase the likelihood of tasting by children.’

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