Scottish Daily Mail

Dr Tracy Mountford

Will having regular beauty treatments ruin my Botox?


I AM considerin­g having Botox to smooth some lines on my forehead. I have regular facials and light therapy treatments.

Will Botox affect these? How long must I wait after the injections before I can have a facial?

Botulinum toxin — or Botox, as it’s more commonly known — is a highly effective treatment for smoothing frown lines, but a few considerat­ions need to be taken into account.

immediatel­y after Botox, most practition­ers recommend avoiding disturbing the treatment area to avoid the product spreading into other areas of the face — for example, avoiding rubbing the area and not sleeping on the face or lying down for the first few hours after treatment.

We also advise no facials at all for one to two weeks, until the treatment has had time to settle in. As Botox works by relaxing overactive muscles, facials that stimulate muscles to contract are not recommende­d. Patients who regularly have these facials are simply advised to avoid the treated area ( commonly the upper face) and to restrict the facial to the lower part of the face.

light treatments are not a problem and can be restarted within a few days. Botox is often combined with these to enhance results.

IF YOU have a question for Dr Mountford, email drtracy All correspond­ence will be printed anonymousl­y.

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