Scottish Daily Mail

Police sniper shoots two by accident as Hollande speaks

- By Peter Allen and Alisha Rouse

A FRENCH police sniper caused panic after accidental­ly shooting two people during a speech by President Francois Hollande.

The marksman was stationed on a nearby rooftop to protect the French leader – but left the safety catch off his weapon.

He accidental­ly fired the gun while adjusting his position, shooting a bullet into the marquee where Mr Hollande was speaking. It passed through a cocktail waiter’s thigh before hitting another person in the calf – but the injuries were not life-threatenin­g.

Earlier unconfirme­d reports suggested the sniper had shot himself in the foot.

Security has been stepped up across France after a series of terrorist atrocities, including July’s Nice terror attack which killed 86 people.

The bizarre accident happened in Villognon, western France, as the head of state opened the new high-speed train line between Paris and Bordeaux.

Footage released by the Elysee Palace shows Mr Hollande calmly pause after hearing the gunshot.

He said: ‘I hope it’s nothing serious. I think not,’ before continuing his talk.

A police source said: ‘A shot rang out as the President was making a speech and there was clearly a great deal of concern.’

Mr Hollande later visited the injured parties. One is said to be the head waiter of a local hotel and the other an employee of a railway company. Officials say the marksmen is based with special protection unit in nearby Poitiers.

A criminal inquiry has now been opened, with the officer facing allegation­s of negligence.

France is under a state of emergency, following a series of Islamist attacks.

Officials have stepped up efforts to round up would-be terrorists – four teenage girls were arrested yesterday on suspicion of planning a terror attack.

 ??  ?? Panic: Medics treat two casualties
Panic: Medics treat two casualties

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