Scottish Daily Mail

Why smug SNP sanctimony means its love-in with EU will soon be over


IF you have had the good fortune to encounter one of the many exciting Nationalis­t marches Scotland has to offer, you might have noticed a subtle change in presentati­on. Woad is still in. The ‘End London Rule’ banner is a bit crumpled but will do a few more rallies. The Royal Standard of Scotland is still brandished unironical­ly by republican professors of the ‘sovereign will of the Scottish people’.

A new banner has come along and can be seen at pro-independen­ce festivitie­s (which, because this is Scotland, are known as ‘Yestivitie­s’). The cobalt and aureolin folds of the Stars of Unity, the official flag of the European Union, now flutter alongside the Lion Rampant and the Saltire as if they’re lifelong friends.

The embrace of the EU by a Nationalis­t movement that abhors pushy diktats from central government may confuse outside observers, who increasing­ly regard the UK as one of those problem families who brawl in the street and are best denied eye contact. Needless to say – because, again, Scotland – the European emblem isn’t really about Europe, it’s about independen­ce.


Ever since June 24, 2016, when Nicola Sturgeon greeted bleary-eyed political correspond­ents to a Bute House press conference to give her response to the Leave vote, the direction of travel was obvious. The First Minister stood flanked by an EU flag and a Saltire, for she understand­s better than most the importance of optics or what we, as good Europeans, should really call mise en scène. Independen­ce and Europe were the two pillars of Scotland’s future.

Since then, the project to Europeanis­e the Nationalis­t cause has been at the forefront of the SNP’s campaign for a second referendum on independen­ce. Hence Nicola Sturgeon’s Ferrero Rocher offensive, flattering European government­s into giving her ten minutes with low-level diplomats so she could press-release on ‘talks on Scotland’s future in Europe’.

Hence her U-turn on the status of European nationals; where she questioned their right to remain in 2014, now she chides Theresa May for failing to guarantee their residency after Brexit.

Alex Salmond has even declared Scotland to be ‘a European nation for nigh-on 1,000 years’. The former First Minister is a walking ‘Wha’s Like Us’ tea towel, claiming Europe for Scotland three centuries before the advent of the Renaissanc­e.

This is a political strategy aimed at presenting Scottish separation from the UK as less daunting to a sceptical population but there is something else at work. Miss Sturgeon’s attempts to erect a hard border between Scottish and English attitudes to Brexit and immigratio­n panders to an unpleasant aspect of our psyche.

Scottish sanctimony is as old as the Union itself and it whispers that we are kinder, friendlier, more compassion­ate, than our neighbours. Our refugees are welcome, our culture multi and our nationalis­m civic. England, on the other hand, is a hard-Right dystopia of racism, intoleranc­e and skinhead chauvinism.

Comrades on the pro-UK Left despair at self-styled progressiv­es spurning solidarity with workers in Salford in favour of the bosses of Stagecoach. What they fail to appreciate is that, to a Scottish Nationalis­t, no chasm between social classes can ever stretch to the gulf between Scottish and English culture.

The giddy declaratio­ns of prosperity and equality that awaited us on the other side of the ballot box in 2014 have been replaced by warnings of what kind of country we would become if we don’t break away soon. Three years back the Yes Scotland campaign song was Big Country’s One Great Thing; now it’s The Animals’ We Gotta Get Out of This Place. As is aye the case with the Nationalis­ts, things were going well until facts had to come along and spoil it all. Data from the respected National Centre for Social Research indicates Scotland’s attitudes to Brexit and Europe aren’t terribly different from those of folk down south. It finds Scots are largely indistingu­ishable from Britons in their views on free trade and the treatment of EU immigrants.

In Scotland, 53 per cent of Remain voters want to end freedom of movement. Where there is any substantiv­e difference is Scots are more willing to dilute immigratio­n controls in exchange for free trade, but the divergence is seven percentage points. More than six in ten Scots want the same trade and immigratio­n deal from Brexit as the rest of the UK. As the research author John Curtice explains: ‘Much of the debate about Brexit in Scotland has assumed that voters north of the Border want a much softer Brexit than voters in the rest of the UK. Indeed, the Scottish Government’s demand for a second independen­ce referendum rests on such an assumption.


‘However, this first systematic study of attitudes towards Brexit in Scotland shows that for the most part, voters on both sides of the Border want much the same outcome – free trade, immigratio­n control and retention of much of the consumer and environmen­tal regulation currently afforded by the EU.’

These facts are anathema to Nationalis­ts. The GERS figures they can put down to a conspiracy. The oil price can be waved away amid cries of ‘just a bonus’. Alex Salmond can deny ever saying the 2014 referendum was a ‘once in a generation’ opportunit­y, even when presented with video evidence. Professor Curtice’s conclusion­s strike sharper at the heart of the SNP because they disprove the party’s base principle, the only thing it truly believes. When talk of democratic deficits and sovereign wills is stripped away, when the pretence of European cosmopolit­anism is laughed off the stage, Scottish nationalis­m can be seen for what it is: A cult of moral superiorit­y.

Now they must contend with the ultimate heresy: That Scottish exceptiona­lism, their much-denied yet undeniable article of faith, is a false doctrine.

Check out those Nationalis­t EU flags while you can. They probably won’t be around much longer.

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