Scottish Daily Mail

Think before you ink? Becks takes Brooklyn for his first tattoo (at 18)

- By Tammy Hughes

MOST parents would probably do their utmost to discourage their children from getting a tattoo.

But not David Beckham – in fact, far from putting his son Brooklyn off the idea, he’s just taken the 18-year-old for his first inking.

Less than a month after his birthday, the footballer’s eldest child posted pictures online of his tattoo, done by his father’s friend Mark Mahoney at his studio in Hollywood.

He opted for a small picture of a Native American chief on the inside of his forearm. It is similar to a tattoo the former England captain has on his torso – one

‘Honoured to have his first inking’

of an estimated 40 that cover his body. A short video posted on Instagram at the weekend shows Beckham watching as Mr Mahoney works on his son’s arm.

Brooklyn also shared black and white photos from his visit to the Shamrock Social Club tattoo parlour, saying he was ‘honoured’ to have his first inking done by his father’s friend.

But not all of Brooklyn’s Instagram followers were pleased with his choice of tattoo, with some accusing him of ‘cultural appropriat­ion’ – the use of one culture’s heritage by another.

One user suggested his tattoo would upset ‘a lot of Native Americans’, while another described it as ‘gross’.

It is not known how much Brooklyn’s tattoo cost, but an online article claimed Mr Mahoney’s rate for a ‘single sitting’ is around £398.

Over the years the artist has done at least three of David Beckham’s tattoos, including a horse’s head on his neck and two angels on his leg. Mr Mahoney has also done tattoos for film stars Johnny Depp and Mickey Rourke.

Beckham has said his tattoos, often honouring his family, are ‘about the people… who I want with me always’.

 ??  ?? Etch a sketch: Mark Mahoney works on Brooklyn’s tattoo
Etch a sketch: Mark Mahoney works on Brooklyn’s tattoo
 ??  ?? Just like Dad: David Beckham’s chief
Just like Dad: David Beckham’s chief

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