Scottish Daily Mail

Did Time Lord shun an OBE?

- By Gavin Madeley

WHEN you’re a Time Lord, saving the galaxy should be its own reward and just part and parcel of the job.

But the star of Doctor Who, Peter Capaldi, seems equally resistant to honours and even hinted he turned down an OBE.

The Scot, who has enjoyed a distinguis­hed career in film and TV, told the Sunday Times: ‘I’m not really that interested. I think it’s lovely that people get them (honours), but it’s not really my thing.’

When pushed on whether he had been offered an OBE but refused it, Capaldi, who shot to fame as foul-mouthed spin doctor Malcolm Tucker in BBC TV satire The Thick Of It, attempted to laugh off the question, saying: ‘Well, I don’t know that that’s the proper…’

He merely laughed when it was suggested his response indicated he had indeed declined royal recognitio­n.

The star, who will quit the Tardis in July after filming the Christmas special, also admitted to mixed feelings about leaving Doctor Who – despite its punishing schedule of 12hour days for nine months.

The 58-year-old said: ‘I’ve never done a show like this before. For The Thick of It we did 20 episodes over four years, it was not intense like this. This is a television factory, everyone works incredibly hard.’

Having worked on three series, Capaldi will not miss the long separation­s from his family. He stays in Cardiff during the week then spends weekends at home in Muswell Hill, London, with his TV producer wife Elaine Collins.

The couple will take a holiday as soon as filming ends.

‘It will be great to get back together and have our life back,’ he said.

 ??  ?? Saving the world: Peter Capaldi on the set of BBC sci-fi series Doctor Who
Saving the world: Peter Capaldi on the set of BBC sci-fi series Doctor Who
 ??  ?? Power couple: Capaldi with wife Elaine Collins
Power couple: Capaldi with wife Elaine Collins

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