Scottish Daily Mail

A quiz show that relies on brainy celebritie­s? What a stupid idea!


Chris TArrANT gave his contestant­s the chance to ‘phone a friend’ on Millionair­e. Current game show favourites Pointless and The Chase let players confer on crucial rounds.

But Debatable (BBC2), the new nightly half-hour quiz, offers a far more dubious privilege. A panel of celebs put their heads together to come up with an answer to each multiple choice question, which the contestant, an ordinary Joe or Joanna, can reject or accept.

‘The wisdom of celebritie­s’, like ‘the kindness of psychopath­s’ or ‘the success of The Nightly show’, is not a phrase we often hear. With good reason — most celebs are thicker than yesterday’s porridge.

This show, compered by Patrick Kielty, hasn’t fallen into the trap of using refugees from reality shows such as Made in Chelsea and TOWiE, though they are regular stop-gaps on most other lowbudget telly.

instead, it has relied so far on more clever characters — journalist­s and TV hosts, with the odd ex-politician thrown in.

Last night it was Peter Jones from Dragons’ Den, partnered with sports presenter suzi Perry and EastEnders actor Nitin Ganatra.

None of them are exactly household names, but the producers face an awkward pay-off: the more fame, the less brain. This week they have hired some smart cookies who managed to steer players to the prize money.

On Tuesday night, for instance, sally Lindsay from Coronation street captained ex-newsreader Angela rippon and comedian Ed Byrne from Mock The Week.

One question challenged them to put these three cocktails in rising order of alcoholic complexity: the Bellini, the Manhattan and the Long island iced Tea.

You might have supposed that the iced Tea was just a soft drink, but our celebs knew better — it contains gin, tequila, vodka, white rum and triple sec.

Most of us never need to know that, but such things matter at awards ceremonies and the like, in case there’s a free bar. The celebs also rightly identified the Bellini as the easiest to make, and their pet player, Chris from Newcastle, pocketed 300 quid.

The format is slow but entertaini­ng. it lacks the rapid-fire appeal of Eggheads, which precedes it in the schedules, but there is fun in watching the panel talk themselves into uncertaint­y. But how long can the show keep it up? There are dozens of episodes planned, and the pool of well-educated stars is not a deep one.

Before long, the panel will be Joey Essex, Danniella Westbrook and that weird dancer from the happy Mondays, because all celebrity shows have to fall back on them eventually. if you’re planning to catch this quiz, do it quickly, before the brain cells run out.

A real mental challenge unfolded in Reported Missing (BBC1), with cameras following Durham detectives as they searched for a young bridegroom, Darren. he’d walked out of a barbecue after a row with his wife and disappeare­d off the face of the earth. This story had more twists than Line Of Duty. Darren’s wife lied repeatedly to police, so much that they started to suspect her of ‘domestic homicide’ — death by rolling pin, in other words.

his mates were covering up Darren’s drinking and, it transpired, his raging crack cocaine habit. As a result, the police were searching diligently in all the wrong places.

The solution was tragically mundane: Darren had crashed his car and died, a few minutes after storming off. how much his young wife really knew, the police couldn’t decide — and she declined to face the cameras.

All very intriguing.

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