Scottish Daily Mail

Rhododendr­ons’ curse that lasts 30 years

- By Colin Fernandez Science Correspond­ent

THEY may be spectacula­r to look at but, as many gardeners know, rhododendr­ons can quickly take over.

Now scientists have discovered that the flowering shrubs have a devastatin­g effect on native wildlife – even decades after they have been removed.

A study of sites where rhododendr­ons were eliminated 30 years ago found that native plants had still not returned.

Researcher­s studied a variety of woodland sites on the west coast of Scotland. Some had never been invaded by rhododendr­on, others were covered in dense thickets, and a third set of sites had been cleared of rhododendr­on at different times between 1984 and 2014.

They found that even 30 years after rhododendr­on removal, native plants had not recovered. Instead of primroses, violets, wild garlic, ferns and grasses, only dense mats of mosses and liverworts had returned.

Ecologists believe that the deep shade rhododendr­on casts is responsibl­e for the impact on local flora.

Researcher­s from the James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen University and Scottish Natural Heritage say weed eradicatio­n programmes now need to be supplement­ed by reseeding for the original plant community to re-establish itself. Their research is published in the Journal of Applied Ecology.

Dr Janet Maclean, from Aberdeen University, said: ‘During the invasion, rhododendr­on dramatical­ly reduces the amount of light reaching the woodland floor throughout the year, causing local extinction of native grasses and herbaceous plants.

‘Mosses and liverworts cling on because they can tolerate the darkness. When rhododendr­on is removed, common mosses and liverworts quickly recolonise.

‘But by the time grass and other plant seeds arrive, the thick mossy mat prevents them from germinatin­g, so the site never recovers its previous rich flora.’

Rhododendr­ons were introduced to Britain by botanist Conrad Loddiges in 1763 to be used as a cultivated flowering plant in gardens and parks, and as a horticultu­ral exhibit on estates.

Most of the invasive bushes are a hybrid species derived from rhododendr­ons from the Iberian peninsula.

 ??  ?? Invasive: A rhododendr­on bush
Invasive: A rhododendr­on bush

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