Scottish Daily Mail

Should home energy bills be capped?


SADLY, capping energy prices will doom many to higher bills. I agree that the vulnerable and elderly should have their energy provided at the best rate possible by their supplier, but for the millions of able but apathetic households who have not bothered to switch to dual fuel or shop around, they will now get lower bills without having done anything. This could well have the effect of limiting the deals available for those who are prepared to shop around. If the energy suppliers are making less money from those who haven’t bothered to move from standard variable rate, they will look to make it back somewhere else. DAVE JOHNS, Brighton.

THE Big Six energy companies are ripping off the public with exorbitant energy price increases. EDF recently increased my annual electricit­y bill by 23.7 per cent and gas by 14 per cent. The Government needs to take action now to cap energy costs, not in 12 months’ time when without doubt further energy increases will be implemente­d. B. CHAPPELL, address supplied.

IMAGINE: I live near Waitrose and do all my shopping there. It’s expensive, and I can’t really afford it. Just down the road is a Morrisons and a Lidl, but I can’t be bothered to go there, even though some of my neighbours shop in those cheaper stores. I want the Government to cap the prices that Waitrose charge so I can carry on shopping there. Am I being unreasonab­le? You can apply the same argument to calls to cap energy bills. A. STEAD, Loftus, N. Yorks.

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