Scottish Daily Mail

We’ll all feel the pain of bungled Budget


HAD the decision to raise income tax in Scotland been purely economic, it might have been better thought-through.

Of course, it was purely a political decision – posturing as a sop to the SNP’s own socialist class warriors and to secure the votes of mercenary Green MSPs.

And so first came the shambles over the £230 married couple’s allowance. Finance Secretary Derek Mackay’s tinkering with the lower bands means many Scots will be denied the bonus and there is now an unseemly scramble to cobble a solution.

Private education is taking a spiteful blow over rates, while business employers and the British Medical Associatio­n are warning recruitmen­t of the bright sparks we so desperatel­y need will be tougher as Scots pay the highest income tax in the UK.

And the Scottish Fiscal Commission has predicted that thousands of wealthier workers could – as they are perfectly entitled to do – effectivel­y opt out of income tax by incorporat­ing themselves.

They predict this could cost Holyrood £1.5billion by 2022.

This was yet another issue Mr Mackay was appraised of before his ill-judged Budget but again, the warnings of people who know their way around a balance sheet better than him were ignored.

Safe pair of hands? The impression he gives is of a man bewildered by all this, one constantly caught out by the law of unintended consequenc­es. Embarrassi­ngly, Mr Mackay was unfamiliar with the Laffer Curve, which holds lower taxes yield higher returns.

Economics guru Arthur Laffer warns the Finance Secretary’s bungling will hurt the economy – and he is right again.

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