Scottish Daily Mail

Face facts, ladies only trust handsome guys

- By Toby McDonald

GOOD-LOOKING men are also seen as more trustworth­y by potential mates, a study has found.

How reliable a man is judged to be is linked to attractive­ness, researcher­s say.

And features which indicate trustworth­iness, such as face shape, can be inherited.

A team at the University of Glasgow found handsome men have a head start when it comes to winning people’s confidence.

But the study of more than 1,300 identical and non-identical twins and siblings found that the more macho a man is, the less trustworth­y he appears to others.

An aggressive appearance and fear of a ruthless nature make him less than dependable to potential partners, it is suggested. Researcher­s asked volunteers to view images of faces and rate their attractive­ness and how trustworth­y they seemed.

Dr Anthony Lee, co-author of the research at the university’s Institute of Neuroscien­ce and Psychology, said: ‘Attractive faces are perceived as more trustworth­y. This could be because we may have evolved to find cues to trustworth­iness attractive, because trustworth­y individual­s are evolutiona­rily beneficial as a mating partner.’

The pictures of men and women were individual­ly rated by a large panel for facial trustworth­iness and attractive­ness.

Signs of being honest highlighte­d by the volunteers included the gaze and the shape of the mouth. Attractive­ness included regular features and healthy skin, suggesting a sound genetic history.

The wider a face is compared to its height, the more aggressive a person can appear.

The link between looks and trust was not replicated with the pictures of women.

Dr Lee said: ‘When considerin­g a mate, women overall face higher potential costs with choosing an untrustwor­thy partner due to minimal parental investment.

‘An untrustwor­thy male introduces higher physical risk, as men are more likely to have higher levels of aggression and strength.’

The study is published in the Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology journal.

 ??  ?? Telltale signs: Shape of face and mouth
Telltale signs: Shape of face and mouth

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