Scottish Daily Mail

Is there a painless way to get my youthful glow back?

Anti-agers no one but you need know about

- by Inge van Lotringen

QI’M 73 and started to suffer from rosacea a year ago, and it’s slowly getting worse. I’ve heard laser therapy may help. I have an oily complexion and am prone to breakouts.

AA TWO-STEP approach is important with your skin type. ‘Any oily breakouts featuring inflamed lesions need tackling with skincare first,’ says Dr Stefanie Williams of London’s eudelo clinic.

She recommends prescripti­on retinoids (from your skin doctor or GP). It will take at least six weeks to settle spots.

Follow with a combinatio­n of vascular Intense Pulsed Light (to treat inflammati­on and diffused redness) and vascular laser such as the very effective Nd:YAG (to treat specific dilated veins) is best.

You’ll need three to six treatment sessions for which you’re looking at about £1,000 for three (prices can vary depending on the clinic and location). Research a qualified laser therapist who works with different laser and light machines. Ask how many they have — there should be three or four machines at least.

Follow-up skincare should include light, fragrance-free hydrating lotions, with antiinflam­matory ingredient­s such as azulene and green tea, and SPF30 — and beware, says Dr Williams, of potentiall­y aggravatin­g factors such as sun, spicy food, alcohol (particular­ly red wine) and hot drinks — all these cause skin to flush.

Ingeborg van LotrIngen is beauty director at Cosmopolit­an. email questions to ingevan

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