Scottish Daily Mail

The dastardly Mr Deedes

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HBSC boss Stuart Gulliver bows out from his £9.7m-a-year role next week once he’s delivered the bank’s latest results, an annual task the irascible northerner won’t miss after he’s gone. What next? I’m told Gulliver, 58, is to embark on a three-month sailing trip, a passion he’s had little time to indulge during his eight years in charge. He and Aussie wife Amanda live in Kensington, though he was domiciled in Hong Kong for tax purposes. Goldman Sachs boss Lloyd Blankfein says the American economy is performing far better under Donald Trump than it would be if Hillary Clinton had become US president. He says: ‘I haven’t felt this good since 2006.’ Wily Lloyd, 63, backed Hillary’s failed campaign, but like most bankers he happily paddles whichever way the water’s flowing. Is genial Credit Suisse boss Tidjane Thiam coarsening his image? Questioned this week about his bank’s controvers­ial XIV fund, which lost investors large sums during the recent stock market turbulence, the Ivorian, 55, began reciting chunks of the fund’s risk warning in tones the Financial Times describes as ‘akin to the “I will find you and I will kill you” speech from the revenge movie Taken.’ Touchy Tidjane! Scary investor Paul Singer, head of relentless vulture fund Elliott Management, has been caught on camera energetica­lly performing boogie-woogie songs on the piano. Singer, 73, will be beside himself that the footage, purportedl­y taken during a weekend retreat for his foundation, has found its way into the public domain. Opponents might see it and take heart the bearded rottweiler actually has a human side. The Government website yesterday posted an advisory note for workers from defunct outsourcin­g firm Carillion looking to claim redundancy payments. It carried only one word: ‘Blah.’ Oh dear. Another feather in the cap for Greg Clark’s business department, which reassured us it was ‘monitoring’ Carillion months before it all went belly-up.

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