Scottish Daily Mail

Anguish of the little girl who’s left behind


JODIE Willsher’s husband has described how his wife’s murder has left their grief-stricken fouryear-old daughter blaming him for ‘not bringing Mummy back’.

A statement from Malcolm Willsher, 36, was read to the court as his wife’s killer, Neville Hord, looked on emotionles­s from the dock.

He said he was haunted by the thought of his beloved wife dying in pain. Commenting on Hord, he said: ‘He deserves to rot in hell.’

Mr Willsher said: ‘I have to explain it to Megan who then says to me, “I hate you Daddy for not bringing Mummy back. You’re not trying hard enough.”

‘She then says, “Daddy, can’t I have a brother or sister any more” or “Won’t Mummy ever be a granny now?” How do you deal with that?’

Mr Willsher said: ‘The death of my wife has ripped my life apart.’

She was his ‘soulmate’ and ‘so full of life’.

Mr Willsher said: ‘She didn’t even get to see Megan open her Christmas presents and she’d been so excited about that.

‘We were supposed to be going away to Disneyland on Boxing Day.’

He also said: ‘I’m so scared he will get out and do something to Megan.’

In response to this, the judge told Hord: ‘The high probabilit­y is that you will never be released from prison. Malcolm’s fears for Megan perhaps can be laid to rest.’

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