Scottish Daily Mail




From Sheffield to Scarboroug­h, full lips and cheeks are the cosmetic fashion choice of the moment. ‘Pouty lips in particular are a priority for the under 30s,’ says nurse practition­er Sharon Bennett of Harrogate Aesthetics. ‘Young girls often go back every three months for dermal filler topups as the original effect deflates.’ But the older demographi­c (45plus) want a more natural-look with the upper lip lifted and gentle cushioning in the lower lip.

The beauty ideal involves high, curved cheekbones with filler treatments used to highlight the cheekbones and boost fat loss in the mid cheek, which stops that dreaded tired, older look. on average, four syringes of filler are used to lift a weary face.

‘Women want brows lifted as much as possible and super smooth foreheads,’ continues Sharon. ‘People often ask for “baby” Botox (reduced amounts), then come back for more. We end up injecting 50-60 units of Botox in the upper face compared with softer treatments favoured in places like London that would use around 25 units.’

To frame the look, there is often a microblade­d brow — eyebrows are semi-permanentl­y tattooed.

Practition­er Karen Betts who has a clinic in Pontefract, West Yorkshire, as well as in London and Wilmslow in nearby Cheshire, says: ‘Whereas in London my clients ask for natural, fluffier brows (Holly Willoughby and Jennifer Aniston are often referenced), in Yorkshire they’re after more of a sleek Angelina Jolie arch.

‘Yorkshire women are very keen on lip enhancemen­t with tattooing to compliment their lip filler. They feel it’s better value for money as the tattooing lasts three years, whereas filler lasts up to one year.’

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