Scottish Daily Mail

Cremation fee rethink after £666 bill seen as a bad Omen

- By Dean Herbert

PLANS to increase the cost of cremations have been changed – because the new price would have been £666.

Council bosses feared the figure – identified as the ‘number of the Beast’ in the New Testament – could be ‘upsetting’ for mourners, so have agreed to reduce the charge by a pound.

A report submitted last week to councillor­s in Argyll and Bute states: ‘As part of applying the standard inflation increase of 3 per cent to fees and charges for 201819, the cremation charges for adults aged 16 and over has increased.

‘It’s unfortunat­e that the inflation has meant the charge is £666 [from £647], which could be upsetting for some people.’

Unease around the number 666 stems from the 13th chapter of the Book of Revelation, which describes a horned beast.

Horror movie The Omen helped cement the number’s satanic links by portraying

‘Could be upsetting for some people’

it as a birthmark on the son of the devil. Former US president Ronald Reagan even changed his address in Los Angeles in 1988 from 666 to 668.

And in 2015 US representa­tive Joe Barton had the number of a legislativ­e Bill he had introduced changed from 666 to 702 because ‘the original bill number carried many different negative connotatio­ns’.

A spokesman for Argyll and Bute Council said: ‘Crematoriu­m charges were amended after applying a standard inflation increase of 3 per cent to fees and charges for 2018-19. It was agreed by councillor­s to adjust the charge for cremation to £665 [from £647].’

Last year, a report by Citizens Advice Scotland found that the cost of a basic funeral was £3,716, including an average of £1,363 for a burial charge and £669 for a cremation charge. It also noted that since 2004, funeral costs have increased by 91 per cent in Scotland.

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