Scottish Daily Mail

The mother of all insults to Jennifer


Jennifer Aniston is beautiful, successful and adored. Yet here she is, this queen of Hollywood, still having to justify not being a mother.

in a new interview, the 49-year-old said that her ‘purpose on this planet may not be to procreate’. she also said people did not know what she had been through ‘medically and emotionall­y’, which hints at private sadness and dashed hopes.

Aniston also said that there is pressure on women to be mothers, and that those who are not are ‘deemed damaged goods’.

By whom? surely only by the haveit-all-generation, who are beginning to realise they can’t, after all.

Aniston was interviewe­d by her pal Molly Mcnearney, wife of U.s. chat show host Jimmy Kimmel, who revealed that Aniston is so good with her own children that they send her Mother’s Day cards.

Gah! even her friends are keen to point out that Jennifer’s mothering gene is intact, that she is not damaged because, look at how much the kiddies love this childless husk.

Honestly. it may have been well meant, but how enraging. still being defined by babies!

Ps: Aniston also says she never experience­d any Harvey Weinsteint­ype harassment in Hollywood. she said that if a situation arose, ‘i just walked away’. ‘in my experience,’ she added, ‘i’ve been treated worse . . . by some women in this industry.’

never follows the crowd. Always her own person. Love that girl.

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